On Saturday 19th March 2022, the Artisan Spring Market held in the Ingatestone & Fryerning Community Centre kindly permitted us to set up a table at the entrance to the hall. Organised by Sally Pudney, visitors were encouraged to purchase raffle tickets for prizes donated by stallholders or to make a donation with all money going to the Ukraine Emergency Fund of local charity, Hope and Aid Direct.
Our thanks go to everyone who donated with such generosity - £1027.62 was raised.
Interestingly, 19% of the donations were made by cards using our PayPal Here card readers - a sign of the times.
Pictures are of some of those who manned the fundraising table.
more A few "HaAD Grafters" lent a hand!
more A few "HaAD Grafters" lent a hand
back Club Members & Friends of Ingatestone rally round