Dear Rotary Club Members
As a response to a growing demand for our services, shared with the will writing industry, we have developed a process that allows us to give our specialist advice on Lasting Power of Attorney, produce the appropriate documents, and manage the process of registration with all our experience, whilst ensuring that both clients and ourselves are put under no risk with regards to the present threat and within the new rules.
In addition, and again in response to requests, we are now able to
deliver interactive group talks using Zoom at specific booked times and dates.
In the cases of groups who we have already spoken to this can be a succinct
summary and update followed by questions.
We can provide details of our cost saving offer (as recommended by
Age UK) for you to share with your members directly, as some groups have
already done, or respond to requests directly from your individual members by
passing on this email.
This illness ‘waits for no one’ and unfortunately an increase is
forecast resulting from these testing times.
Prior to the presentation, h/w some salient pdf documents for your perusal :-
EPA Talk Handout | Summary on LPA | Age UK 2019 Certificate |
LC080 LPA LEAFLET 4 V1 | Brochette LPA |
Chris Chippendale Managing Director |
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moreRotarians of Ongar and Kelvedon Hatch & Villages A Satellite club of Rotary Club of Ingatestone since 2012)