Rotary Bench Trail

Fri, Jul 22nd 2022 at 6:15 pm - 8:00 pm

A guided walk led by Sam Stewart and Sue Hart, ending with a BBQ for the walkers at the Riverside

The Riverside

Rotary Bench Trail Walk. 

This will be a led and informative walk, with Sam and Sue explaining about each bench as you walk round the 2.5 mile route, which takes you from the Car Park, up the riverside, up the Cuttle Burn Steps, down Kirk Wynd and Allan Street, down Upper Mill Street and Mill Street, across the bridge and up Riverside Drive, up Balmoral Road to Keithbank Mill Car Park, across the pedestrian bridge and back down the Cateran Trail to the finish at Riverside Car Park. We are envisaging that the walk will take around 1.5 hours. 

There is to be a BBQ at the Riverside and all walkers who have a Rotary wristband will enjoy a burger and refreshing drink. There is no charge for this event, but we are limiting it to the first 50 entrants.

 Numbers are limited - to secure your place, please email Bob Ellis at

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This years event was held on June 6th

Provost Dennis Melloy flags off the first car.

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Rotarians helping with the Community Litter Pick

Have a look at all the ways in which we support our local community
