25th July Club Meeting Speaker - Perry Blake - Youth Ambassador..

Tue, Jul 25th 2023 at 6:15 pm - 8:15 pm

This is an open meeting that welcomes partners & friends and anyone involved with youngsters, to hear about the challenges faced by the youth in our community.

Club members please log in for more information.

Youth mentor and proud Dad, singer and songwriter.
Founder of the 21 UP group. 

Perry speaks openly about a his turbulent youth and how he turned the challenges and adversities in his own life into a positive force for change..
Improving the lives of young people and how he’s proactively supporting and creating opportunities for others through The 21 UP Movement.


Menu Grilled Salmon Fillet, Parsley Sauce. Peas & New Potatoes (TBC)

Vegan Option  Tomato & Aubergine Tower.

Apologies  to apologies@brentwoodrotary.org.uk

Stewards Sheila Murphy &Roger Morgan

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