27th September Club Meeting with Speaker

Tue, Sep 27th 2022 at 6:15 pm - 8:15 pm

Click the Details Button below for details of our Speaker Liane Iles
Plus the Menu Options.
NOT ATTENDING - apologies@brentwoodrotaryorg.uk


Speaker Liane Iles Challenging MND

subject  motor neurones disease

Inspired by Alex Gibson.(son of John one of our members) who was diagnosed with motor neurone disease in 2018, Challenging MND was set up with the mission to provide financial support and assistance to those living with MND, to complete any lasting memorable challenges. MND is a debilitating progressive disease which involves degeneration of the motor neurones and wasting of muscles, which ulitmately is life-shortening. This is currently no cure. Throughout the deterioration of the functioning of the body, the mind remains sharp and unaffected, making the importance of memorable occasions invaluable. Our mission is twofold - firstly, to ensure there are no financial obstacles preventing anyone with MND from creating these amazing memories, secondly, to help raise awareness of MND which will one day result in a cure being found.


Menu. Pork Chop with Mushroom Sauce, Mixed Vegetables & Saute' Potatoes
Vegan option  Vegetable Stir-Fry with Rice
Dessert Strawberry Parfait
Stewards  Peter Franklin Mike Conyers


No apology Payment due




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