Rotary Charity Golf Day 2024

This year’s Golf Day was held at Great Hadham Golf Club on Thursday 11th May

This year’s Golf Day was held at Great Hadham Golf Club on Thursday 11th May on an unexpectedly sunny day, rare in 2024!  13 teams played during the course of the day, and came back to the Clubhouse for the fundraising dinner in the evening.  It was a cheerful, happy occasion, with all the participants enjoying a thoroughly good time.  

The fun continued into the evening, with Heads and Tails and a Charity Auction following dinner.  Our auctioneer, as usual, was the current Joint President, Hugo Richardson, who brought his customary humour to the bidding process.  It is a great way of raising funds for our charitable enterprises.  

We are delighted to announce that the total proceeds of the day are around £7000, which will all be put to very good use to enable our projects in the local community and in international areas of need.

Watch this space for the date of next year’s Golf Day, when we would welcome the participation of more teams. Let us know if you are interested.

This year’s winner was the team from Lever and Co, comprising Jack Cascarino, Mark Chalkley, Jabe Bean and Scott Newcomen. The photo shows them with Angela Lever herself, lending her support, and Joint Rotary President Bernie Cotton, who presented the prizes.  The runner up was the team from Barrow LLP, comprising Glenn Armon-Jones, Darren Hayward, Jamie Baker and Chris Emery., also photographed below. 

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