End Polio Challenge Instructions

How to make your donation via GlobalGiving, on the special BONUS DAY of November 28 (after 5 a.m. GMT)

Donating to End Polio Now via GlobalGiving

How to make your donation via GlobalGiving - do it on the special BONUS DAY of December 3, 2024 to get a BONUS from GlobalGiving.

Instructions on using GlobalGiving are the same as for last year - 2023 - the instructions for which are available as a PDF for printing by clicking HERE or are shown below IE Instructions refer to 2023 but are valid for December 3, 2024!

1.    Login to GlobalGiving

Go to the GlobalGiving website www.globalgiving.org  and select “login” in the top right.  You will be presented with this pop-up window.
If you have previously made a donation on GlobalGiving then you will still have an account and should login with your email and password.  Complete the fields ringed in red and select “LOGIN”. 

If you have not previously made a donation on Global Giving and do NOT have a login, then select the “Create an account” phrase at the top right (ringed in blue) and you will be taken to a new pop-up window to sign up.

Complete all the fields and press sign up.

2.    Go to our Rotary Club of Billericay Quiz page at: 


 (Alternatively, take the long route and go to our Rotary Club of Billericay website at www.billericayrotary.org and select “End Polio Now 2024” from the “What we do” drop down menu.)

End Polio Challenge 2023 

3.    Scroll down the page and select the button which corresponds to the amount (£20 or more) which you want to donate. 


4.    Compete your donation

You will now have been taken to the Project Donation page on the GlobalGiving website, and if you have already logged in as above, then you should see a page like this (below)

The Amount of your donation and your name and email address will already have been filled in (shown ringed in blue). 

Note, there is a default optional donation field completed by GlobalGiving for a 15% addition.  This money goes to GlobalGiving, NOT to the project, so you can press the down arrow and select “I do not wish to ….” And the Total should revert to the amount you selected on the “Donate Button” on our website
(https://bit.ly/XmasEndPolio2023 ) without the surcharge.

Enter your credit or debit card number, select Gift Aid if you are a UK taxpayer and click on the green button. 


That’s it!  

NOTE: Do not select give anonymously because if you do, we will not have an email address to which to send the Quiz questions!

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End Polio Challenge 2024

back Have Fun while supporting this great End Polio Now cause by entering our Christmas Fun Quiz. Donate £20 for each Quiz sheet you want. You CAN help rid the world of Polio.

'What We Do' Main Pages:

Charity Day - Donations to Multiple Charioties

Learn about all the good we do in our community and around the world.

Getting water from the stream

5,500 children at 10 schools in Kenya, are benefitting from reliable, fresh, clean water for drinking, washing, cleaning, and watering of crops. This will make a huge difference to their lives for less than ten pounds per child.


This page groups together sub-pages (shown below) for latest news of exciting future events, and recently completed items, all promoted by the Rotary Club of Billericay. Click on the item which interests you.


Our club contributes to the community by holding or supporting projects which encourage our young people to stretch their capabilities, and supporting projects which enrich the life of our town.

Community Support

These pages describe our activities in support of other organizations raising funds for those in need or supporting our local community.

Fellowship between Clubs

We have had international links with other Rotary Clubs in Europe since the mid 1960s. Starting with Beausoleil in 1965 these links have grown to encompass Italy (Alba), Sweden (Karlshamn) and Italy (Ovada Del Centenario) in more recent years.


The club's activities in support of the Rotary Foundation and International links.


RotaKids - helping Primary School Children learn skills and citizenship - open to the 7 to 11 year olds.


Rotary's programs for students and youth can change the lives of those who participate by earning scholarships, travelling on cultural exchanges, or helping a community.


The Rotary Club of Billericay is part of the international Rotary movement of 1.2 million members and welcomes new members. It is a thriving club with an enjoyable social dimension.

2019 Competitor - Wow!

In line with the most recent Government directive, Billericay Mayflower Rotary regrets that the 2020 Soapbox Derby will not take place on May 10th. We are currently exploring the possibility of finding another date on which this popular event can run.

Canvey Chugger - Rotary Club of Canvey Coast

The Soapbox Derby returned to Billericay on May 6, 2019. Following the success of the 2016, 2017 and 2018 events - we did it all again in 2019! For a look at the 2019 event - see the webpages under this page.

Pic-Nic with the Big Screen

The Soapbox Derby returned to Billericay on May 1, 2017. Following the success of the 2016 event - we did it all again!

Soapbox Derby Returns in 2017

The Soapbox Derby returned to Billericay on May 1, 2017. Following the success of the 2016 event - we did it all again! For a look at the 2017 event - see the webpages under Billericay Soapbox Derby 2017.

A Great Success!

Newsletter editor Trevor Bond reflects on a great day.


The page links to Club Community Service, Social and Foundation & International Activities in previous years where more recent similar activities have now taken place.

Help with Social Media

This page contains presentations and guidelines on Social Media and the Template website. Every attempt has been made to keep the Presentations and the guidelines updated (some date from 2015). Please let us know if you see any need for further updates.


Test Page to demonstrate the facilities of the system using the 2019 Soapbox Derby as the example.
