Local Events

Don't forget to book for Basildon's biggest Panto yet. We are sponsored by the Towngate Theatre for our Young Musician Of The Year event, so we are pleased to support this super Christmas Show during December 2007.

Our Vice-Community Chaiman Mike Beecher was invited to promote the "Snow White and the Seven Dwarves" Panto at Eastgate Shopping Centre 21-23 November, during the Debenhams Christmas Sale. Singing with him was one our local singing stars we are supporting, Charmain Miller, previously a pupil of De La Salle School, Basildon.


Other local events are also featured in this gallery. Check out regularly for more news of supported events!

'What We Do' Main Pages:

Left to right Maz, Danny, Alison, Mark, Leanne, Lisa and Rotarian in training Ennis (in push chair)

We were out if force collecting for Shelterbox


Basildon Concorde member Ozzy with a young member of the winning Riley team


President Lisa and our volunteer Peter plating up Christmas Dinners on Christmas Day for the homeless and Lonely in Basildon in the background we have members Ozzy and Maz along with 2 friends of our Club.


The project is to provide 6 classrooms, a library, solar power, more latrines, classroom & library furniture, plus training to ensure sustainability of the project. The funds raised will qualify for a Rotary International Foundation Grant.


Our Handover took place earlier this month.


Community Group 07-08
