Walk in the Park

Tue, Jul 16th 2024 at 1:59 pm- Mon, Aug 19th 2024 - 3:59 pm

‘13th Walk in the Park’ (People’s Park—Bowls Pavilion)

Disability Sports Forum & Friends4All

‘13th Walk in the Park’ (People’s Park—Bowls Pavilion)

Sunday 18th August 2.00pm

Setting up for BBQ 1.00pm onwards - All Finished by 5.00pm latest

This annual event first held in 2010 attracts about 50 members and carers from the Disability Forum and Friends4All who simply walk or wheel 1 lap of People’s Park taking the slowest about 30 minutes.

The Rotary Club provides a BBQ which is set up at the Bowls Pavilion, members assist with the BBQ and marshal the Walk

The event is a public awareness event for the N E Lincs Disability Sports Forum and Friends4All N E Lincs.

The participants are of all ages and disabilities who will be accompanied by their carers, both personal and professional as appropriate.


'What We Do' Main Pages:

This is the photo archive from our club "The Rotary Club of Cleethorpes"


Our Club with the young people


Rotary Club of Cleethorpes programmes with the Imagination Library


We welcome new members interested in having fun while 'giving something back' to the community. Fresh ideas and enthusiasm are the life blood of any organisation!


Our Own Charity - The Rotary Foundation


Our club has many projects overseas in South Africa, Nepal, India and many other countries.


Keeping the public aware of the Club
