Penrith Rotary and Lions Joint Quiz Night 2024

Mon, Apr 29th 2024 at 7:00 pm - 11:00 pm

Penrith Rotary and Lions Joint Quiz Night 2024


Penrith Rotary and Lions Joint Quiz Night 2024

On the 29th April 2024 Penrith Rotary and Penrith Lions held a joint fundraising event in support of Carer Support Carlisle & Eden.

Moneys raised were designated to fund a trip to Dumfries Ice Rink for young carers from the age of 8 upwards.

The quiz was attended by 59 people and turned out to be a close run contest with the first an second team only separated buy half a point.

The event was held at Penrith Golf Club where an excellent buffet supper was provided by Fairways Bar and Catering.

Carer Support Carlisle & Eden do get some core funding but have to raise monies to fund trips such as the one to Dumfries.

The joint aim of Penrith Rotary and Penrith Lions was aim was to raise enough to fund the coach for the trip, about £600.

We obviously made a little on the ticket sales but we were very lucky to get an extremely generous donation of £200 from Penrith Walking Football. This along with the proceeds of a raffle on the night gave a total of £800 which we were able to donate.

So, all in all, a good night was had by all, we raised more than we had hoped and the Young Carers will hopefully enjoy their day out in due course.

We hope to have an update when the trip has taken place




The format for the evening was  - 

  • Pub style quiz
  • Date 29th April 7pm to 11pm
  • Penrith Golf Club
  • Buffet meal
  • Quiz
  • Cost £17 - to include buffet supper and quiz entry
  • Raffle/tombola
  • All welcome
  • Prize for winning team
  • All profits go to Eden Carers/Young Carers See poster below

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