Tanzania Visit

Tue, Jul 2nd 2019 at 9:00 am- Tue, Jul 16th 2019 - 9:00 am

Tanzania visit to set up joint venture on Malaria prevention

Tanzania Visit

Penrith Rotary Club and Hai Rotary club have formed a partnership to work on a malaria control programme in rural Tanzania. Nick Capron, of Penrith Rotary Club and his wife Jenny recently returned from a visit to Tanzania. During the trip they stayed for several days with immediate past President Timothy of the Rotary club of Hai. Hai is a rural town overlooked by Mount Kilimanjaro. The project, which involves assessing and treating school age children, is being coordinated for Penrith Rotary club by Dr Soonu Verghese. Students from the University of Dar Es Salaam will visit schools in the area to promote the use of mosquito nets, anti-malarial drugs and encourage children to take other preventive measures.  This project is part of Penrith Rotary Club’s overseas work which they do alongside their work to promote charities in and around Penrith.

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