Speaker Night at the Elephant & Castle Hotel - POSTPONED DUE TO CORONAVIRUS

Mon, Mar 16th 2020 at 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Rtn Sam Jones will update the Club about Safeguarding Issues.
Following this we have welcome return visitors Yvonne Wood and Megan Viney from the Yvonne Wood Dental Hygiene Practice at Glansevern to update us on Bridge2Aid.

Safeguarding - The Club members need to be aware of how to conduct ourselves in any situation involving young or vulnerable people.

Yvonne, the Hygienist  and Megan, the Dental Nurse, from Glansevern Dental Hygiene Practice return to update us on what is happening with Bridge2Aid, the Charity that goes to rural areas in developing countries across Africa to help improve dental care. 

"Our mission is to provide access to simple, safe, emergency dental treatment to all."     (Bridge2Aid)

David EvansContact David Evans about this page:

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'What We Do' Main Pages:

How we have supported charities and projects abroad


What we have done to give local support


Yearly or more frequent events


The Club manages its business through committees covering all aspects of Club activity. Every member takes a role on one of the committees. Take a look at what individual committees get involved in by clicking on the links to the right.


The Rotary Foundation is Rotary’s own and only charity. Its mission is to enable Rotary members to advance world understanding, goodwill and peace through the improvement of health, the support of education and the alleviation of poverty.

Bethan & Horace from the Jehovaj Jireh Nshumi Community Schools in Uganda.

The International Committee will continue to support specific projects as well as fund raising to enable the club to send funds to locations as and when needed, such as in emergency response situations.

Our 'Celebration of Youth' Award Winners 2016

supporting the development of young people in our community


We are a varied group of people with lots of different interests and are always happy to make contact with anyone interested in Rotary and its aims.
