Rotary Club of Newtown Photo Galleries

Rotary Across Wales Walk

Rotary Across Wales Walk

Rotary Across Wales Walk

Helping Our Homeless

Helping Our Homeless

The Club have been supporting this Charity through filling bags/boxes of essentials for homeless people and working with Morrison's to provide charity bags

Easter Egg Donation to Hope House Children's Hospice

Easter Egg Donation to Hope House Children's Hospice

Collect donations of Easter Eggs from various businesses and organisations and take them to the children in the Hospice

Youth Competitions

Youth Competitions

Newtown Rotary Club promotes and invests in well established and successful annual competitions for youth of various ages.

Easter Egg Hunt

Easter Egg Hunt

Children are invited to join us at Dolerw Park for an Easter Egg Hunt. Raffle for a wonderful easter cake.

District Quiz

District Quiz

Quiz run by District 1180 to challenge our members memories and intelligence. The Team have certainly come up to scratch so far

Interact & Rotakids

Interact & Rotakids

Youth programs sponsored by the Club

Morrison's Christmas Collection

Morrison's Christmas Collection

Also 16 December. Collection by members for Rotary Charities with the sleigh and Christmas music.

World Polio Day

World Polio Day

October 24th Bringing attention to Rotary's involvement in helping to eradicate polio

End Polio Now

End Polio Now

"Rotary members in Great Britain and Ireland have been huge supporters of End Polio Now"



Third Saturday in March at the Maldwyn Leisure Centre

Award of the Paul Harris Fellow

Award of the Paul Harris Fellow

To 2 of our members Jan and Neil in recognition of their significant contributions to Newtown Rotary Club

Erection of the Christmas Trees

Erection of the Christmas Trees

Time to put up the town Christmas Tree and the Tree of Light

Rotary Youth Leadership Awards

Rotary Youth Leadership Awards

We support the District 1180 RYLA week at Arthog

Newtown Food Festival

Newtown Food Festival

The Rotary Club have booked a stall to join in with Newtown's food celebrations

Club Services

Club Services

Meals and Deals

Community Services

Community Services

We are happy to get involved in any number of local projects, particularly if asked by members of our community. This is one of the main reasons given when people are asked why they want to join Rotary



Meeting in Kerry, this is a regular in our calendar, hosted by Rtn Alan and his wife Shirley, it is one of the highlights of our year

Youth Services

Youth Services

supporting the development of young people in our community

Social & Sporting Activities

Social & Sporting Activities

Fellowship events. Members meet up to relax and sometimes learn new skills

World Polio Day 24 October

World Polio Day 24 October

A day of thinking about polio and its eradication, to meet and raise money towards the incredible push to erase this terrible disease from the world

Supporting Baby Basics

Supporting Baby Basics

Giving newborn babies from struggling families some basic necessities to ease their start in life

Lighting up Newtown in Purple for World Polio Day

Lighting up Newtown in Purple for World Polio Day

Buildings and businesses lit up to highlight World Polio Day

Carol Service - All Saints Church, Newtown

Carol Service - All Saints Church, Newtown

A yearly event with communal singing, readings, the Newtown Silver Band, children's and adult choirs all brought together by Reverend Canon Nia Morris. Everybody is welcome. Hot drinks and mince pies afterwards.

Newtown Rotary Friendship Café

Newtown Rotary Friendship Café

We have regular monthly meetings on the 2nd Friday of the month from 10.30-12MD. Due to COVID-19 these meetings have been suspended until further notice.

The Big Rough Sleepout

The Big Rough Sleepout

Raising awareness of homelessness and rough sleeping.

Newtown Fireworks Event

Newtown Fireworks Event

Unfortunately the Club has decided to cancel the Fireworks display scheduled for the 6th November 2020

Afternoon Tea Party

Afternoon Tea Party

We had our second Tea Party in the Market Hall in Newtown in June this year, and hope to make this a yearly event where mainly senior citizens join us for tea and cakes with dancing and entertainment. Everyone is welcome.

Celebration of Youth Night

Celebration of Youth Night

To be held this year in Coleg Powys, we have a varied evening planned, based around the Youth Competitions.

Carol Service - All Saints Church, Newtown

Carol Service - All Saints Church, Newtown

Everyone welcome for refreshments afterwards
