Fri, Jul 1st 2022 at 12:30 pm - 2:30 pm

Rotarians & partners past and present with local dignitaries celebrated the 100 years of Rotary in Newton Abbot at Newtons Place in Newton Abbot.

ROTARY NEWTON ABBOT                                           CENTENNIAL 1st July 2022

100 Years with a Drum Roll!!

Newton Abbot Rotarians past and present with local dignitaries, joined together at Newton’s Place to commemorate the 100 years of Rotary in Newton Abbot.

The evening started with the unveiling of a Granite Roundel in Courtney Street just a few hundred yards from their first meeting place on 14th March 1922. This was at the Courtenay Restaurant (since demolished where Boots are now located).

President Jeremy Newcombe welcomed the guests with Mayor Carol Bunday and District Governor Roger Heath to the sound of corporate members Taiko South West’s drums. This was also an opportunity to showcase the superb facilities of Newton’s Place and the Museum.

Led by President-Elect Nick Richards, supported by Rotarians and partners, canapes supplied by No Limits Café and prosecco were offered to all present in the function room above the museum, a slide show in the background highlighted many of the individuals who had been instrumental in serving both Rotary and Newton Abbot over the 100 years.

In his address the President mentioned the many individuals who have been Newton Abbot Rotarians, commencing with the founding President Charles Lane Vicary the owner of Bradley Mills Leather & Tanning factory. Many of the businesses and their Rotarian owners have shaped what is now modern Newton Abbot. Recalling many names of the recent and not so recent past – Pollards, Ridgeway’s, Tappers, Watts Blake Bearne, Francis Clark and Peplow’s to name but a few.

He highlighted the Courtenay Centre, Newton Abbot Rec, and Tindal House, all of which have benefitted from Rotary support. His looking forward to supporting the Newton Abbot Carnival on the 9th July at Courtenay Park with its Wheelbarrow Race, with 10 teams, competing to raise funds for their own charities.

Whilst many charities and clubs are struggling with membership, Jeremy Newcombe celebrated the fact that the club was at its highest membership (76). An age range of 21 to 93 and a third of the membership female meeting weekly at Dainton Park Golf Club. In the last year nearly £70,000 to over 60 individuals, charities, and social organisations again the most in its 100 years. He acknowledged the success of the corporate membership scheme, which has given both men and women in the early years of their work career an opportunity to meet with experienced business and professional individuals both active and retired and widen their network of contacts.

The marshalling of the vaccination centre for over 13 months and two van loads of essential items for Ukraine delivered by Rotarians to Poland were just two recent successes to be proud of.

The evening was concluded with the presentation of a centennial book, to the Mayor, District Governor and Museum Curator Charlotte Dixon. Compiled over two years marking the events and individuals of last 100 years, by Rotarians Tony Brooks-Daw and Martin Smith and printed by Harrier LLC in Brunel Road.


Unveiling Roundel

Jeremy Newcombe PHF / Mayor Carol Bunday / District Governor

Taiko South West

Civic Reception

Book Cover.

Jeremy NewcombeContact Jeremy Newcombe about this page:

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'What We Do' Main Pages:

Donations 2023 to 2024

RNA has distributed over £32,000 in the last Rotary year July 2023 to June 2024.


Things you may not have realised about Rotary's work and membership

Corporate Nembers 23 to 24

Rotary Newton Abbot offers corporate membership to local businesses - giving them the opportunity to demonstrate their commitment to the community.


Rotary Newton Abbot, welcomes Rotarians from other clubs for fellowship and to discuss projects


Rotary Newton Abbot Newsletter
