Juniper Centre

We've reached the culmination of our support to the Juniper Centre at Marpool Primary School

A plaque has been unveiled at The Juniper Centre to mark the involvement of Exmouth Rotary in creating and equipping the centre. The plaque was unveiled on Thursday, February 8 by Betty Ford, wife of the late Rod Ford who was honorary treasurer of what was then the Exmouth & District Rotary Club.

We spent a day planting a new hedgerow at the Juniper Centre and combined the visit with the unveiling of a plaque. 

The Juniper Centre opened on the Marpool Primary School site last July as a resource base for children who need specialist education provision. It is now used by children across the local area, helping them to learn in a comfortable environment that is suited to their educational and emotional needs.

Exmouth Rotary has supported the project from the start, working with Marpool Primary’s headteacher Rachel Pattison who was determined to set up a specialist learning centre for local children. In the early stages of the plan the Rotary ring-fenced a donation towards the costs of the bespoke learning areas, sensory room, classrooms, kitchen and computer area.

Exmouth Rotary has had a close association with Marpool Primary since early 2014 when four Year Six girls asked for the club’s advice on how to raise funds for a local worthy cause. This led to a RotaKids club being set up, which grew to more than 50 members and raised nearly £12,000 for local and international causes, as well as giving hands-on help to community projects.

Throughout this time, Rotarians were impressed with the care and encouragement given to vulnerable children at Marpool Primary, supporting their particular needs and enabling them to blossom.

Brian Drake, an honorary member of the Exmouth Rotary, attended the opening of the Juniper Centre last summer and described it as ‘a joyous day’. Following the unveiling of the plaque he said: On a personal note, I have been involved in Rotary for 35 years and without doubt witnessing the achievements of the RotaKids club and the involvement in supporting the building of the Juniper Centre have been the highlights of my time in Rotary.”

'What We Do' Main Pages:

We were out with our collection buckets at Tesco on three days in February.


Santa's annual visit to the Deaf Academy in Exmouth has taken place again this year with a 'Signing Santa' delighting the students and staff alike.


Our Classic Car & Motorbike show on 6 July was a great success.


This year we bought, distributed and planted 4,000 purple crocuses to show our support to the Rotary End Polio project.


We are delighted to have been awarded Silver Partner status by ShelterBox.


More than 300 runners blew away the cobwebs this year.


We asked the generous Exmouth public for their donations every penny of which was sent to Ukraine.


Here is a summary of our planned Christmas activities this year. Follow us on Facebook for more details.


A summary of what we have achieved during this Rotary year


Exmouth Rotary are supporting the furnishing of the Avocet Learning Trust Education Centre buildings.


Exmouth Rotary members often volunteer for environmental activities.


We were delighted to be able to help our friends at Dream-A-Way by fundraising for them at Tesco.


We hosted a tree planting hub in November and we are pleased to feature on the Queen's Green Canopy map.


Would you like to share your creative talents with a wide audience and possibly even win a prize? Rotary’s youth competitions for art, photography and writing give you that chance. Click for details.


We've replaced the ailing oak tree in Phear Park


If you register with "Easy Fundraising" then, whenever you do any online shopping, a small donation will come to our Rotary club, without costing you a penny extra.


Following our collections at Tesco we were delighted to present a cheque for £4727 to John Cleverley, Rotary Marketing Office for ShelterBox


We got a plea for help from Louis' Mum. Click below for details.


We are helping Withycombe school with their new hedge project.


We collected around £1200 for ShelterBox in aid of the victims of the recent earthquakes and floods.


We've reached the culmination of our support to the Juniper Centre at Marpool Primary School
