The Club Team 2023-2024


 Ken Smith   
Rtn. Ken Smith

Secretary (15th Dec 2023 - 30th Jun 2024)

 Gwen Ryder   
Rtn. Gwen Ryder

Secretary (2nd Oct 2023 - 14th Dec 2023)

 Jan Ward  PHF  
Rtn. Jan Ward


 Gordon Freakes   
Rtn. Gordon Freakes

Immediate Past President

 James Pearson   
Rtn. James Pearson

President Elect

 Jeremy Rex   
Rtn. Jeremy Rex

President Nominee

 Mike Williams   
Rtn. Mike Williams


 Janet Boylan  PHF  
Rtn. Janet Boylan


 Don Overton  PHF  
Rtn. Don Overton

Rotary Foundation

 Philip Andrews  MPHF  
Rtn. Philip Andrews


 Don Overton  PHF  
Rtn. Don Overton

Youth Service

 James Pearson   
Rtn. James Pearson

Attendance (14th Oct 2023 - 30th Jun 2024)

 Graham Bradshaw   
Rtn. Graham Bradshaw

Speaker Secretary

 Vanessa Jenkins   
Rtn. Vanessa Jenkins


 Harvey Forrester  PHF  
Rtn. Harvey Forrester


 Don Overton  PHF  
Rtn. Don Overton

Assistant Secretary

 Gwen Ryder   
Rtn. Gwen Ryder

Public Relations

 Gwen Ryder   
Rtn. Gwen Ryder

Health and Safety

 Patrick Raven  PHF  
Rtn. Patrick Raven

Club Service

 Jeremy Rex   
Rtn. Jeremy Rex


 Harvey Forrester  PHF  
Rtn. Harvey Forrester

Primary Webmaster

 Don Overton  PHF  
Rtn. Don Overton

District Council Rep.

 Ken Smith   
Rtn. Ken Smith

Club Treasurer

 Gordon Freakes   
Rtn. Gordon Freakes

Fireworks Chairman

 Quentin Grulois   
Rtn. Quentin Grulois

Christmas Collections Chair

 Keith Buckley  PHF  
Rtn. Keith Buckley

Summer Fair Coordinator

 Mike Williams   
Rtn. Mike Williams

Welfare Officer

 Graham Bradshaw   
Rtn. Graham Bradshaw

Executive Secretary (14th Oct 2023 - 30th Jun 2024)

 Gwen Ryder   
Rtn. Gwen Ryder

Internet & Website

 Don Overton  PHF  
Rtn. Don Overton

Historian & Archives

 John Allison   
Rtn. John Allison

Social Chair

 Jan Ward  PHF  
Rtn. Jan Ward


 Harvey Forrester  PHF  
Rtn. Harvey Forrester

Club Public Image Chair

 Don Overton  PHF  
Rtn. Don Overton