We are now back holding face-to-face meetings. Please contact Hon. Sec. Sarah Sheridan - secretary@dorkingrotaryclub.co.uk if you would like to join us.

Featured pages

Rotawalk'24 - Supporting Local Charities & Community Groups

Rotawalk'24 - Supporting Local Charities & Community Groups

On Sunday April 28th we will be out on Holmwood Common helping these local charities to raise much-needed funds.


About us

Welcome to the Rotary in Dorking website.

Rotary in Dorking is part of the Rotary International, the world's largest voluntary service organisation. One of Rotary's key objectives is the eradication of Polio worldwide.

The Rotary motto is 'Service above Self' and Club members are active locally putting their skills and experience to good use for the benefit of our local community. 

For details of our most recent activities, please click on the link to our Facebook page.

If you would like to use your skills and experience to put something back into your local community why not join us? ...You don't have to wait to be asked!

To find out more about Rotary, what our Club does in the community and how to join Rotary, please click on the "What we do" option in the menu and download our brochure.

Visitors are always very welcome at our meetings that usually happen on Tuesdays. 

For more details please contact secretary@dorkingrotaryclub.co.uk


Meetings & Venue

Where and when:

We meet on Tuesdays at

Reigate Rd.


Rotary News

Be part of a global network of volunteers, trying to make the world a better place. Please also see the 'links & news' page for information from the local district and live feeds from Rotary International and Rotary International in GB&I.

Rotary serving communities through supporting foodbanks

Diversity is part of Rotary’s core values