Rotary Club of Soham Staploe Photo Galleries



A very interesting and informative visit - many thanks to Emma and all the MAGPAS staff for sharing their new facilities and how it all works with us - We're proud to support

2024-25 Handover - 26th June 2024

2024-25 Handover - 26th June 2024

A fun BBQ at The Cherry Tree for handover - Outgoing President Steve handing over the reins to Incoming President Stuart. This is Stuart's 3rd time as President. Senior Vice President was handed over to Rtn Geoff.

Presentation Evening - 28th Feb

Presentation Evening - 28th Feb

We were joined by Emma Sanders from MAGPAS when the money collected in our annual Christmas collections was handed over - Our running total of support now stands at over £33,000. Guests and volunteers joined members. President Steve handed over the cheque

Club Christmas Meal - 13th Dec

Club Christmas Meal - 13th Dec

And a good night was had by all ! - Congratulations to The Cherry Tree for the lovely food and service.

Polio Fundraiser - Oct 2023

Polio Fundraiser - Oct 2023

A fun Night supporting Polio Eradication at The Ali Taj - 45 attendees and good food and fellowship - thanks to all guest for their support including 7 from Newmarket Rotary Club

6th Sept - Presentation Evening

6th Sept - Presentation Evening

It was a pleasure to hand over the money raised at the July Beer & Music Festival - our recipients were indeed pleasantly surprised as the amount was revealed on the night.

Kitty Hawk Rotary Clubs - Golf Tournament

Kitty Hawk Rotary Clubs - Golf Tournament

Soham Rotary through its connections with Hon member Trevor Cole, have provided a hole sponsorship for their Fall Golf Classic Tournament

New Rotary Year 2023-24 Leadership Team

New Rotary Year 2023-24 Leadership Team

Congratulations to the team that will lead Soham Rotary Club through 2023-24. President Steve Kear pictures with SVP Stuart Cavanagh, JVP Geoff Fisher and Sgt-at-Arms Peter Holmes. Best wishes for the year ahead

District Quiz Final - 26th April. Congratulations Brandon RC

District Quiz Final - 26th April. Congratulations Brandon RC

Soham hosted the final of District 1080 quiz - Congratulations to Brandon RC who prevailed out of the 10 teams taking part. Runners Up - Stowmarket Gipping Valley. Rotary International charity benefitted by £260. Thanks to everyone for their support.

Burns Supper - 25th Jan 2023

Burns Supper - 25th Jan 2023

A great night at the Cherry Tree celebrating Scotland's bard, Robbie Burns. Many thanks to Steve Kear for organising the event, Geoff for the Selkirk grace, Iain for the Haggis address and the Cherry Tree for their excellent meal and service.

Christmas Meal 2022 - The Golden Boar

Christmas Meal 2022 - The Golden Boar

It was great to have so many guests attend our Christmas Meal this year held in Freckenham. Thanks go to Steve Kear & Stuart Cavanagh for organising it and to Geoff for the International raffle on the night. A fun evening

Pumpkin Fair 2022

Pumpkin Fair 2022

Well done to everyone who helped and contributed - £371.40 raised by the No Lose stall on the day. Club thanks to Steve Kear for pulling it together. Looking good Bill

Fill Your Plate for Polio - 26th Oct

Fill Your Plate for Polio - 26th Oct

Following a successful evening organised by Rtn Steve and Geoff - the event in the Ali Taj raised £386.This will be doubled through the Gates Foundation - Thanks to everyone for their support. A fun evening in the process.

2022 Beer & Music Fest

2022 Beer & Music Fest

A few pictures from this weekend successful Beer & Music fest - enjoyed by the community - Thanks to all who made it happen.

Successful CPR Training Evening

Successful CPR Training Evening

Soham Rotary Club facilitated this free public training session in conjunction with Magpas Air Ambulance - around 30 individuals attended and experienced first hand tuition on CPR techniques and use of a defibrillator .

47th Club Charter

47th Club Charter

A successful evening with representatives from District, Ely Rotary, Newmarket Rotary, Littleport Rotary and partners , guests, volunteers and supporters

Pop-Up Banners now available

Pop-Up Banners now available

The Club has recently purchased 2 pop-up banners - one to support Membership and one directed towards Community support - these are available to be used at Rotary functions or other suitable events.

2021 Collection Results - Ahead of last Year !!

2021 Collection Results - Ahead of last Year !!

Christmas collection for Magpas Helixmedics Charity - Still awaiting the final count from our card readers but the bucket collections are over £300 ahead of last year - Well done everyone - Happy Christmas

Global Scholar presentation - 6th Jan 2021

Global Scholar presentation - 6th Jan 2021

Club members enjoyed by one of the 3 Global Scholars being hosted this year by Cambridge Sawston Rotary Club.The scholar is Emilie Szemraj, who hails from Chicago, is a graduate of Princeton University in New Jersey.

Handover BBQ - 29th July

Handover BBQ - 29th July

Slightly delayed - our Chain of Office handover took place at a socially distanced BBQ held outside at the Maid's Head.

Burns Night - January 2020

Burns Night - January 2020

Members and Guests enjoyed traditional fayre at this years Burns Night held in the Maids Head. Rtn Geoff read the Selkirk grace and Rtn Iain addressed the haggis. Poems and drams were suitably enjoyed.

Stuart Hamilton Testimonial Day - Presentation Night 13th Nov

Stuart Hamilton Testimonial Day - Presentation Night 13th Nov

Soham Town Rangers football club members, guests and friends joined Soham Rotary Members for this presentation evening to the main beneficiaries from the day - The Arsenal Foundation and Arthur Rank charities.

Race Night 2019 - over £850 raised

Race Night 2019 - over £850 raised

Another great result for this event with over £850 raised towards supporting our Honorary Rotarian Martin Heath and his wife Judy in their ongoing challenges of medical Outreach in Kenya.

2019 Presentation Evening

2019 Presentation Evening

Club members welcomed representatives of the beneficiary charities from this years Beer and Music Festival. In addition, the evening was also attended by some of our generous sponsors and representatives of Blue Shed - our partners in the event

2019 Young Musician Final - 2nd July 2019

2019 Young Musician Final - 2nd July 2019

A wonderful evening of music with as always, very high standards. Congratulations to all that took part. Overall winner, Laura Peck on saxophone received the winners shield from President Alan Chilcott.

2019 -20 Team  - Congratulations

2019 -20 Team - Congratulations

Past president Barry Lonsdale handed over the chain of office to our new President for the forthcoming year, Alan Chilcott. This is Alan's 2nd time as President. Geoff Fisher becomes Senior Vice and Neil Osbourne steps up to Junior Vice president.

Speaker will be Geoff Fisher

Speaker will be Geoff Fisher

Rotarian Geoff will delve into his love of History and share with us one of key English historical events of the past 200 years

2019 Beer & Music Festival - July Friday 5th & Saturday 6th

2019 Beer & Music Festival - July Friday 5th & Saturday 6th

Save the Date for this years Annual Beer & Music Festival - A list of performing Bands and Beers / Ciders on sale see Details below and great auction Prizes.

Magpas Presentation - 2019

Magpas Presentation - 2019

A cheque for £2086.30 was presented to Magpas Representative Helen MnMenamin-Smith by President Barry Lonsdale. The money was raised during the Christmas street collections.

44th Charter Night - May 2019

44th Charter Night - May 2019

The Rosery in Exning was again this years venue for our Charter Night. DG David Simpson joined President Barry and his Top Table Guest to celebrate the Club's birthday.

Charter Night - 44th - Date Change

Charter Night - 44th - Date Change

Please note the change of date for this event - 8th May now. This will be the Clubs 44th Charter celebrations. It will be held at the Rosery, Evening. Guest welcome and our speaker will be Guy Pidsley, President of Newmarket Rugby Football Club.

2018 Christmas Collections during December

2018 Christmas Collections during December

Once again the Club is pleased to be supporting Magpas Air Ambulance during the collections which will be occurring throughout December - We raised £1932, thanks to everyone for their generous support. Progress to date - see details.

Greene King Brewery Tour

Greene King Brewery Tour

A very pleasant evening was spent visiting the Greene King Brewery in Burt St Edmunds. Rtn's Alan Chilcott and Gill Hamilton worked together to make it fun night out for our weekly get-together.

Ely Firework Display

Ely Firework Display

Soham members will be helping at this years annual firework display in Ely - details on timings, prices and where to obtain tickets are on the poster available on this website - See Details.

2018 Pumpin Fair

2018 Pumpin Fair

Many thanks to everyone who donated and helped on Saturday at the Pumpkin Fair. The stall made £162.50 which our community committee will be grateful for to assist forthcoming projects

2018 Beer & Music Festival - Over £7500 raised

2018 Beer & Music Festival - Over £7500 raised

Another fantastic event raises over £7500 for several charities. The main charity, Arthur Rank Hospicies will receive just over £5000, Rotary Charities £750, Pos+ability auction £840 and Scouts over £900.

Burwell at Large -17th & 18th March 2018

Burwell at Large -17th & 18th March 2018

Soham Club were represented by Iain & Geoff as part of Burwell's open event at the Burwell Village College

43rd Charter - May 2018

43rd Charter - May 2018

A great night celebrating the Clubs 43rd birthday - the Rosery at Exning proved a popular venue and good fellowship was enjoyed by members and guests. President Bill and DG Robert Lovick headed the top table.

Charter Night - 43rd : 7pm for 7.30 start

Charter Night - 43rd : 7pm for 7.30 start

This year's Charter will be held at The Rosery, Exning. We look forward to inviting guests to join us as we celebrate the Club's 43rd birthday. Our speaker will be local novelist and Historian, Harry Sidebottom. The raffle will support RYLA.7pm for 7.30

District Assembly

District Assembly

King Edward VI school, Bury St Edmunds - meeting for next year's Club officers. See attached agenda.

January 2018 - New Member

January 2018 - New Member

Pres. Bill welcomed our latest Club member, David Werner into the Soham Club. David, who lives in Wicken and has several active roles in the community, is retired following working for The Ministry of Defense. David was introduced by Rtn Barry Lonsdale.

2017 Beer & Music Festival Presentation

2017 Beer & Music Festival Presentation

The Maids Head was the venue for our recent Presentation evening following on from this year's very successful summer Beer & Music Festival

Christmas Meal 2017 - The Rosery Exning

Christmas Meal 2017 - The Rosery Exning

This years Christmas meal was at The Rosery in Exning - a selection of the attendees were captured enjoying themselves

Meal - Speaker Finder, Barry Holmes

Meal - Speaker Finder, Barry Holmes

Barry's speaker turned out to be Global Scholar, Leah Schmidt, from Calgary Canada. She is also studying for a masters degree at Cambridge specialising in Gender and Politics. She gave an excellent illustrated talk about herself and her aspirations.

First new members of Rotary year

First new members of Rotary year

President Bill had the pleasure of inducting new members into the club as one of his early Club duties, John Maxwell joined as a full member and Carol, his wife, as an associate member. Club members warmly welcomed them.

Christmas Dinner

Christmas Dinner

This years Christmas meal with partners and guest is being held in The Rosery at Exning - numbers, meal choices and guests to Run Barry Lonsdale asap.

2014 Church Fete

2014 Church Fete

The Club joined other at this years St Andrew's Church Fete - their infamous "No Lose" stall appealed to both children and adults. Well done to Rtn Stuart and his team for organising this

2014 Remembrance Parade

2014 Remembrance Parade

The annual Soham Remembrance Parade took place today in Soham High Street. Wreath laying around the town's war memorial also was performed as part of the Parade.

WW1 Commemoration

WW1 Commemoration

Club members donned their distinctive red polo shirt to man the beer and refreshments stall at the town's WW1 Commemoration event. Rtn Geoff Fisher also was involved in the ceremony to recognise those who had fallen during the conflict.

2013 Remembrance Parade

2013 Remembrance Parade

Rotary will be attending the local Remembrance parade at 2.30pm - 2.15pm assemble in Sand Street followed by the parade to the War Memorial.

25th October - 2017 RYLA - Rory's story

25th October - 2017 RYLA - Rory's story

Iain will be bringing our 2017 candidate,Rory Jones, to the Club to hear all about his adventures during this years September week at Grafham Water - guests will be most welcome.

2017 Beer & Music Festival results

2017 Beer & Music Festival results

The Beer and Music Festival this year goes from strength to strength with over £8000 raised for various charities. A huge thanks to all our barrel sponsors, helpers and audiences for the support. A great result.

2017 - 18 Team in Place

2017 - 18 Team in Place

President Bill Rind assumes office following the start of our new Rotary year for 2017 - 18.

2017 Young Musician of the Year

2017 Young Musician of the Year

A fantastic night of performances were enjoyed by the audience attending the SVC Performing Arts Centre

2017 District Quiz

2017 District Quiz

10 teams from Rotary Clubs across the District met at Soham Rangers Football Club to do battle in the final of the District Quiz. Ely Club narrowly beat Brandon & District in a tie breaker after the 7 rounds of questions.

Magpas Presentation 2017

Magpas Presentation 2017

£2240.53 raised this year. Well done to everyone who collected and contributed.

2017 Race Night

2017 Race Night

Great support for our Charity Race Night this year with almost 100 people filling the Soham Town Rangers Football Club on Saturday 18th March. Over £900 raised for Kenyan Medical Outreach programme.

Friends of Rotary

Friends of Rotary

Bi annual Issue to our Friends of the Club. Any Club member or committee chairman who wishes to input or propose an article for inclusion - please contact Iain

42nd Charter night

42nd Charter night

Club members and distinguished guests enjoyed celebrating the Club's 42nd birthday. Toast to the Club were delivered by DG Derek Rothwell, Sue Marchant was our speaker and President Stuart was in the Chair.

Burns Supper Jan 2017

Burns Supper Jan 2017

Members and guests celebrated the birthday of Robert Burns with traditional fayre at The Maids Head

Christmas Street Collection in aid of Magpas/Helimedix 2016

Christmas Street Collection in aid of Magpas/Helimedix 2016

Collections have begun - taking place on the 10th Dec, 17th Dec and 24th Dec. Where? - Soham Coop, Asda, Fordham Coop, Scampers and Scotsdale Garden Centre Fordham. Please give generously to this great Charity.

Christmas Tree for 2016

Christmas Tree for 2016

That time of year again !!


Visiting Global Scholar and Canadian, Natalie Kauf, along with local sponsor from Ely Hereward Rotary Club, Rtn Mike Judkins, shared an evening with Club members.

2016 - Beer & Music Festival

2016 - Beer & Music Festival

Squally August weather could not deter the crowds from coming to enjoy great beers, cider and music - Happy memories from start to finish.

2016 Beer & Music Festival Presentation

2016 Beer & Music Festival Presentation

Club members and Guests enjoyed an evening at the No Hurry, Upware to present the beneficiary charities with their cheques.

2016 -17 Handover

2016 -17 Handover

Immediate Past President Bruce stands with the new Soham team for 2016 - 17 Rotary year. Congratulations to President Stuart, SVP Lynne and JVP Bill.

2016 - New Venue

2016 - New Venue

A challenge this year with the Pavilion out of action and a new venue in the Scout Hut to contend with

2016 District Quiz Final

2016 District Quiz Final

This year's winners and defenders of the District Quiz competition were Swaffham Rotary Club. Well done to them. DGE Derek Rothwell made the presentation and thanked Soham Staploe Rotary Club for organising the event and hosting the final.

Soham Carnival 2016

Soham Carnival 2016

The Club took place in the Carnival procession by presenting a Rotary float with the theme " Rotary and Peace the world over"

District Quiz Final : 2014-15

District Quiz Final : 2014-15

Swaffham Club retain title after a closely fought contest

Handover at The Anchor. June 2016

Handover at The Anchor. June 2016

Congratulations to our new 2016 - 17 team

41st Birthday Party

41st Birthday Party

The Club celebrated it's 41st year at the annual Charter Dinner - President Bruce and his distinguished top table guests joined club members, their partners, visiting Rotarians from Newmarket, Ely Littleport plus invited friends and guests.

Prickwillow Pumping Museum visit

Prickwillow Pumping Museum visit

Rotarians and guests were treated to a visit to the Prickwillow Museum - Les Walton gave an informative tour and fired up on of the main pumps with the assistance of Mike Penbreth, both gents being trustees of the charity.

2016 Race Night

2016 Race Night

A successful Race Night was staged by the Foundation and International committee on Saturday 19th March at the Soham Rangers Football Club - £894.06 was raised - Well done everyone !

Burns Night

Burns Night

Rotarians and guests enjoy a great evening at Ely City Golf Club celebrating the birthday of Scottish bard, Rabbie Burns

Collections raise over £2500

Collections raise over £2500

This years collections were again in aid of Magpas Helimedix. After 3 Saturdays and Christmas Eve with the weather being unusually mild and often inclement - support for our collections have been very well supported - thank you everyone!!

2016 District Quiz - First Round

2016 District Quiz - First Round

Soham were playing Ely Hereward in the first round of this year's District Quiz on Wednesday 10th Feb 2016

Christmas Tree for 2015

Christmas Tree for 2015

Another successful High Street erection!

Meal - Speaker Finder, Graham Smith

Meal - Speaker Finder, Graham Smith

Graham will be talking himself on the impact of WW2 on the German city of Dresden.

Christmas Meal - The Cutter 2015

Christmas Meal - The Cutter 2015

A change of venue and a good turnout made for a very festive evening of Christmas fellowship.

2015 Beer & Music Fest Presentation

2015 Beer & Music Fest Presentation

A successful event allowed Karen Newton of EACH (East Anglia's Children's Hospicies) to received a cheque for £5421.71

District 1080 News Articles

District 1080 News Articles

These articles have been submitted by the Soham Club and published in the District 1080 news

Paul Harris Award to Martin Heath

Paul Harris Award to Martin Heath

The Club was honoured to present Martin Heath with the Paul Harris award. President Alan made the presentation as one of his last duties as the 2014 - 15 President.

District Quiz Final ; 2014 - 15

District Quiz Final ; 2014 - 15

Soham hosted the final at the Football Club

Carnival Float - May 2015

Carnival Float - May 2015

A new adventure for the Club

President Handover - July 2015

President Handover - July 2015

Bruce receives Gong from Alan. Stuart goes to SVP and Lynne is promoted to JVP.

President Handover  - July 2014

President Handover - July 2014

Alan takes over from Trevor - Bruce as VP and Stuart as JVP

Presentation Night - Sept 2015

Presentation Night - Sept 2015

The Rosary in Exning - Presentation of cheques

St Georges Night - April 2015

St Georges Night - April 2015

A gathering at the Royal Standard in Ely - David Tickner also recognising Shakespeare

Burns Supper Jan 2015

Burns Supper Jan 2015

A great night was had by all at the Ely Golf Club - Slangevar !

40th Charter Night - 2015

40th Charter Night - 2015

Our Ruby anniversary

39th Charter Night - 2014

39th Charter Night - 2014

Some pics of the evening

Teddy's Adventures - Fourth Quarter - April to June 2015

Teddy's Adventures - Fourth Quarter - April to June 2015

Last Quarter of the adventure

2015 Beer & Music Fest Memories

2015 Beer & Music Fest Memories

A fun year at the Festival

2015 - 2016 Team in Place

2015 - 2016 Team in Place

President Bruce Golson is now in the pilot's seat for the forthcoming Rotary year. His support team includes Stuart Cavanagh and Lynne Turner as his senior and junior VP's respectively. Immediate Past President Alan Chilcott hosted the handover event.

2015 Soham Carnival

2015 Soham Carnival

The Soham Rotary Club took part in this year's local Carnival parade - their theme depicted the work the Club does to support the community.

Magpas Presentation 2015

Magpas Presentation 2015

Christmas street collection money, �2585.91, handed over to Magpas Fundraiser, Emma Sanders.

Burwell at Large

Burwell at Large

Rotary presence at Burwell event - one of around 50 exhibitors at this bi-annual event.

Teddy's Adventures - Third Quarter - Jan to March 2015

Teddy's Adventures - Third Quarter - Jan to March 2015

Teddy adventure continues

2014 Beer & Music Fest Presentations

2014 Beer & Music Fest Presentations

A great night where representatives of the benefiting charities exchanged cheques

Teddy's Adventures - Second Quarter

Teddy's Adventures - Second Quarter

The Adventure continues

Christmas Tree for 2014

Christmas Tree for 2014

The Club was putting up the town's Christmas Tree in Soham High Street today.

Hearing Dogs Visit

Hearing Dogs Visit

Stuart has arranged for Jean & Gerry Lawrence to come and speak at this weeks meeting. They will be bringing their hearing dog along. Unfortunately they will only be joining us after our meal.

Christmas Meal - Almonry 2014

Christmas Meal - Almonry 2014

This years Christmas meal was once again held at The Almonry, Ely. A good turnout enjoyed festive fayre, good fellowship and an excellent set of raffle prizes donated by our guests from Asda. The raffle raised £114. Rouge's gallery in Member's pages.Log

Teddy's Adventures - First Quarter

Teddy's Adventures - First Quarter

Edward ( Teddy ) Harris is now well on his way as part of his annual travel adventure

Local News

Local News

Periodic news articles from the Club help promote awareness of the Rotary and its involvement in the community.

Pumpkin Fair 2014

Pumpkin Fair 2014

Rotary will be hosting a"everyone a winner stall at this year's Pumpkin Fair on Saturday 27th September on the Recreational Ground in Soham - We look forward to seeing you there - Event opens from 1.30pm onwards

Halloween evening.

Halloween evening.

Halloween evening at The Maid's Head

Wheelie Good Flight

Wheelie Good Flight

Simulator Flight as part of the Club's support for the Wheelie Good Idea - raising funds for wheelchairs for disabled athletes

Guest Night at the Golden Boar

Guest Night at the Golden Boar

A fine night of dining an fellowship with a guest interview of Jonny from Spinney Abbey. Well done to Rtn Bruce for organising the evening.

Christmas Tree  - Annual Erection : 2013

Christmas Tree - Annual Erection : 2013

The High Street Christmas tree is now in place

Christmas Meal - Almonry 2013

Christmas Meal - Almonry 2013

A good night was had by all - Well done to Alan and the team for the organisation

7:30pm for 8pm Meal - 39th Charter Night

7:30pm for 8pm Meal - 39th Charter Night

Soham Staploe celebrates it's 39th Charter. This year the Dinner will revert back to The Brook, Soham as the venue. The ticket price is £30 a head - this years speaker is the Liverpool comedian - Jed Stone. Dress Code is Black Tie or Lounge Suits

Teenage Cancer Trust Presentation

Teenage Cancer Trust Presentation

Immediate Past President Iain handed over £842 to the Teenage Cancer Trust charity following the excellent whisky raffle and auction which took place at the 2013 Club Charter night. The Trust Fund fundraisers praised the Club for it's generous donation.

2014 Beer Festival - Fantastic

2014 Beer Festival - Fantastic

This year's Beer & Music Festival proved to be another memorable event. Great music by Blueshed Studios and the bands. Great attendance and local support. The Club would like to thanks everyone who contributed to make this annual Soham event an success.

7:30pm for 8pm Meal - Speaker Finder - Poul Constant

7:30pm for 8pm Meal - Speaker Finder - Poul Constant

Poul has arranged for Beth Green to come and talk to the Club about the Shape your Page website and it's community activities

2014 Beer Fest memories

2014 Beer Fest memories

A look-back at a great event

District Quiz Final ; 2013-14

District Quiz Final ; 2013-14


2014 - 15 Handover

2014 - 15 Handover

Outgoing President Trevor passes on the chain of command

7.30 for 8pm Meal - Speaker Meeting - Adrian Sands

7.30 for 8pm Meal - Speaker Meeting - Adrian Sands

Rtn Adrian will be speaking himself on aspects of the East Anglian Ambulance service and may be bringing along an ambulance as a prop !

Christmas Street Collection

Christmas Street Collection

£1937.13 collected during the Christmas Street Collection Many thanks to everyone who supported this years efforts

7.30 for 8pm Meal - Speaker Finder - Lewis Heavens

7.30 for 8pm Meal - Speaker Finder - Lewis Heavens

Lewis's speaker from the British Heart Foundation will be Mr Nigel Cole

7.30 for 8pm Meal - Speaker Finder - Steve Kear

7.30 for 8pm Meal - Speaker Finder - Steve Kear

Hon Rotarian Martin Heath will be joining the Club during his return visit from Kenya - Martin will give an update on the medical project the Club is supporting and his general progress.

2011 Weekend away - Oulton Broads

2011 Weekend away - Oulton Broads

The Club escapes for the weekend to Norfolk.

Wheelie Initiative - Visit to Mildenhall Club

Wheelie Initiative - Visit to Mildenhall Club

Iain Alan Stuart and Bruce visit Mildenhall Club as part of the Wheelie Good Idea initiative off getting from Club to another around District

2013  - St George's Night celebration

2013 - St George's Night celebration

A fine night of celebration at the Golden Boar. Shakespeare and St George would have been proud

Sept 2012 Guest Night - The Merry Monk

Sept 2012 Guest Night - The Merry Monk

An evening out at The Merry Monk, Isleham. Members and partners enjoyed an inventive choice of food and hospitality when they ventured out across the Fen.

Xmas Fellowship Supper - 2012

Xmas Fellowship Supper - 2012

Pre Christmas Fellowship Supper at President Iain's

2013 - Handover at Iain's

2013 - Handover at Iain's

Handover Evening at Iain's

38th Charter Night - 2013

38th Charter Night - 2013

Some Charter Night memories

2013 Beer Festival Pictures

2013 Beer Festival Pictures

A cracking year

2012 Beer Fest Pictures

2012 Beer Fest Pictures

The alternative music venue

Party on the Hill - Aug 2013

Party on the Hill - Aug 2013

Under the leadership of Littleport Rotary-Soham was one of the 3 local clubs that enjoyed a memorable day at Ely's Party on the Hill. A VIP tented area supported by display banners truly demonstrated Rotary's presence in supporting the event - Great Fun!

Aquafest 2013

Aquafest 2013

Ely and Soham Clubs working together help each other with the manpower resources needed to deliver their big annual fund raisers Ely Club members at Soham's Beer Festival pulling pints and Soham members at Ely's Aquafest selling raffle tickets

Blue Shed Studio Visit

Blue Shed Studio Visit

Club members get tour of local Blue Shed Performance and Recording Studios -

Gourmet Italian Guest Night

Gourmet Italian Guest Night

Club members and guests enjoyed a 4 course meal prepared by Sergio plus aperitif and digestif as part of the Foundation committees efforts to support the International "End Polio Now" campaign.

2012 -  Handover at Geoff's

2012 - Handover at Geoff's

Good Fellowship

Presentation Evening  - July 2013

Presentation Evening - July 2013

District Governor Bill Redmayne attended the Soham Club's meeting where the beneficiaries from the recent Beer & Music Festival received there cheques from President Trevor. DG Bill also took the opportunity to give supportive words for the Club's year.

Successful Beer & Music Festival 2013

Successful Beer & Music Festival 2013

Great weather, fantastic support and a well organised event with great music prove to be the perfect recipe for a very successful event. £4927.83 raised in support of the Liam Fairhurst Foundation

Happy 90th Birthday Ken

Happy 90th Birthday Ken

Club member Ken Thompson celebrated his 90th Birthday at this week's Club meeting. Surprise guys were his daughter and her husband plus his granddaughter. Ken received an engraved glass bowl to recognised this milestone

Wheelie Good Fellowship

Wheelie Good Fellowship

The passage of the Wheelie Good Idea notebook from Club to Club has taken place. Soham received the book from Littleport as part of their Charter Night and have now passed it over to Mildenhall Club.

2013 District Quiz Final

2013 District Quiz Final

Soham Club hosted the final of the District Rotary Quiz Congratulations to Norwich Rotary Club who triumphed on the night Thanks to Soham Football Club and Petal Foods for their support

2012 - 13 Presentation Evening

2012 - 13 Presentation Evening

The Club's Festive activity generates funds for local Charities. President Iain and Club Service chair Alan Chilcott present cheques to Ivor Sanderson of Magpas and David Tickner, the St Andrew's Church representative.

Papworth Charitable Trust .

Papworth Charitable Trust .

Rotarian Lewis Heavens welcomed Marion Papadopoulo and Mary Liley of the Papworth Hospital Charitable Trust. Mary is Trust Director and was tonight's speaker.

Ambassadorial Scholar Visit

Ambassadorial Scholar Visit

Ambassadorial Scholar, William Usher, based at Cambridge University takes time out to visit the Soham Club and share his life experiences with the club members. President Iain was presented with a pendant from Williams sponsoring Rotary Club - Broadwater

GSE Team Visit to Soham,Ely and Littleport

GSE Team Visit to Soham,Ely and Littleport

GSE Team visit the Soham, Ely and Littleport Area this weekend as part of their 4 week visit from Australia Rotary District 9800 which is part of the state of Victoria

2012 Duck Race

2012 Duck Race

The Foundation Committee held their annual Duck Race on Sunday 7th October - Ducks sale went well - It is expected that the Event raised in the region of £500 for Rotary Charities. For more pics and details see Foundation Tab on the left.

2012 Pumpkin Fair

2012 Pumpkin Fair

Another successful year at the 2012 Soham Pumpkin Fair. For More - See Service Projects on Left hand tab

2012 Beer & Music Festival

2012 Beer & Music Festival

Another Successful Beer & Music Festival generates over £3300. Many thanks to all the Event Supporters. The St Andrews Swimming Pool Association benefit. Nigel Driver, this year's organiser presents cheque to Peter Palmer, chairman of the Association

Club Handover 2010

Club Handover 2010

Outgoing President Peter Holmes hands over the chain of office to Geoff Griggs. Incoming Vice President Geoff Fisher hands over to incoming Junio Vice President Stephen Oliver.


