Completed meetings and events 2023-2024

Fri 17th May 2024 Race night

Race night. Wavendon Community Hub
Dankworth Way., Glebe Farm, Wavendon, Milton Keynes MK17 8ZN

Thu 21st March 2024 Young photographer and young writer competition

We were delighted that we could be joined by Annapurna Chatterjee and her parents. read more...

Sat 9th March 2024 Woburn Sands Market

We held a very successful raffle at Woburn Sands Market

Sun 31st December 2023 - Mon 1st January 2024 New Year

Members enjoying a New Years Eve get together

Thu 14th December 2023 Christmas Meal

Our club enjoying our annual Christmas meal at The Barge Inn.
Pat presented Judith with the Les Edmondson trophy for best photograph of 'Unusual Clocks'

Sat 9th December 2023 Frosts bucket collection

We did a bucket collection at Frosts Woburn Sands.
Thank you to Frosts Woburn Sands for supporting us.
We raised a substantial amount for local charities.

Thu 7th December 2023 Moore Place Presentation

Our President with Alan and Angela from The Moore Place Hotel. The club presented them with gifts for all the staff to thank them for their help during the year.
Their support is great appreciated by the club

Thu 30th November 2023 Woburn Sands Christmas market

We attended Woburn Sands Christmas market. Once again thank you to all those who supported us.

Sun 26th November 2023 Woburn Sands Xmas Fayre

We had a stall at Woburn Sands Christmas fayre.
Thank you to everyone who supported us.

Fri 17th November 2023 Quiz Night

Quiz night. Wavendon Community Hub
Dankworth Way, Glebe Farm, Wavendon, Milton Keynes MK17 8ZN

Sun 12th November 2023 - Mon 13th November 2023 Remembrance Day

Our president laying Remembrance Day Wreath.

Mon 16th October 2023 MK Can

We attended the MK Can event in Campbell Park. The world record for tin can line was broken with over 102000 cans laid.

Fri 8th September 2023 Bowls

We had a very enjoyable bowls evening hosted by Woburn Sands Bowls Club.
We were treated to a fantastic spread of food.
Thanks to all our friends in the bowls club.

Thu 17th August 2023 Fellowship meeting

We were privileged to have a talk from Viktoriya and Irene from Ukraine Appeal MK. They gave us a most interesting and at time poignant talk about the struggles of the people in Ukraine and also the many refugees here in MK.

Thu 20th July 2023 Fellowship meeting

We had a marvellous speaker, David Barnes, from Medical Detection Dogs.
Our president Martyn White presented David with a small token of our appreciation for his presentation.

Fri 14th July 2023 Past Presidents Night

Our Past Presidents dinner. We had a fantastic evening at the Moore Place hotel, celebrating John Humphries year as President.
We had a great meal and were entertained by magician, Peter Gardini.
Followed by drinks in the bar.
Perfect evening.
Woburn Sands & District club members

Thu 6th July 2023 Handover and Business Meeting

Business Meeting
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