Completed meetings and events 2023-2024

Thu 23rd May 2024 Soup Run

Participation in the Plymouth Soup Run

Fri 29th December 2023 Club meeting - sorry NO MEETING.

We are recovering from Christmas and getting ready for the New Year.

Fri 15th December 2023 Club meeting

This will be our pre Christmas meeting with partners and guests.

Fri 1st December 2023 Club meeting

This will be our Special General Meeting (SGM).

Fri 17th November 2023 Club meeting

An update meeting on various business items.

Fri 3rd November 2023 Club meeting

We shall be joined today by our 2023/24 District Governor, David Glover, and his wife Lynda. David will be in contact with members prior to the meeting and will have an open question and answer session.

Fri 20th October 2023 Club meeting

We shall be joined this morning by John Hamblin, Chief Executive of Shekinah. We look forward to hearing about their exciting developments and future, including their new premises.

Fri 6th October 2023 Club meeting

Fri 22nd September 2023 Club meeting

We shall be joined today by Amanda Bloomer from Kingsbridge Estuary, who is our new Assistant Governor.

Fri 8th September 2023 Club meeting

Fri 25th August 2023 Club meeting

Fri 11th August 2023 Club meeting

Fri 28th July 2023 Club meeting

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