Completed meetings and events 2024-2025

Mon 15th July 2024 - Wed 17th July 2024 Welcome to Brian Vallance our new member.

Welcome Brian. We hope you enjoy your time with us.

Mon 15th July 2024 - Welcome to our new member Brian Vallance

Hope you membership will be enjoying and fulfilling.

Mon 15th July 2024 Speaker Lunch at Field Place

A talk by Paul Holden the editor of The Worthing Journal.

Mon 15th July 2024 Council meeting at Field Place.

To plan for the forthcoming year.

Mon 8th July 2024 The New Team for the next Rotary Year.

President David introduces his team for the year.

Sat 6th July 2024 President’s night.

Fun time at Field Place with disco. Attendance board to be circulated at Club and also menu selection available. These and payment please by 22nd of June. Friends welcome. Dress formal.
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