Speaker Meeting - Acid Survivors Foundation, Bangladesh

Wed, Feb 4th 2015 at 12:00 am - 12:00 am

Speaker - Richard Castle

Our guest speaker, Richard Castle, provided a very interesting insight into the tragic incidence of acid attacks that have taken place in Bangladesh, which have resulted in appalling disfigurement and social isolation for the victims of this dreadful crime. Until recently, this crime had not been illegal, and only a recent review has resulted in this becoming a punishable offence. 

For those who have suffered from an attack, social isolation can often follow, resulting in many cases of depression and mental health issues. Unfortunately, the provision of mental health support has to date been very limited, and primarily dates back to legislation and provision introduced early in the last century. As a result of the increasing need for a more supporting role for mental health sufferers, including acid attack victims, an improved provision is being introduced, which can provide life saving help to many. 


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