5. Rotary Foundation

Our own charity - the Rotary Foundation.

The Rotary Foundation

The Foundation is a not-for-profit corporation supported solely by voluntary contributions from Rotarians and friends of the Foundation who share its vision of a better world.

The mission of The Rotary Foundation is to enable Rotarians to advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through the improvement of health, the support of education, and the alleviation of poverty.   Please click on the attached hyperlink to go to the Foundation website.



This past year was one of major accomplishments for Rotary and the Rotary Foundation.
Extraordinary progress was made toward the eradication of polio. We made history when India was removed from the list of polio-endemic countries

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5. Rotary Foundation sub-pages:

New Crocus Heart at Penny Pie Park

more Raising awareness of Polio.

Peace Conference Bradford

more Derek and Hilary attended the conference on 28th October 2023 and had a really good and thought provoking day.

Big Breakfast

more The best way to celebrate St George’s day is to have a Big English Breakfast. That is exactly what stainborites did.

The Grand National

more Rotarians met at Geoff & Norma’s for the Grand National. Raising funds via a sweep stake.

Planting Crocus bulbs in Elsecar Park

more The Purple Heart has been planted by Rotarians Geoff & Norma supported by council employees.

Planting Purple Crocus’s on world polio day

more There couldn’t be a better place to plant these bulbs. The garden at the Recovery college for mental health wellbeing, is perfect.

Purple Crocuses for the eradication of Polio

more Stunning Displays! (1 page below this)

Planting Purple crocuses for the eradication of Polio

more Stunning displays!

Rotary Foundation - Raising awareness - End Polio Now!

The Eradication of Polio World wide

more The purple crocus symbolises Rotary Worldwide Polio Eradication project. When a child is immunised they are given a purple mark to show that they have received the medication. This way we ensure this disease does not continue to disable and kill people.

Big breakfast

more Raising funds for foundation - Sarah & Ian made breakfast for club members