Pinner St George's Day celebration

Sun, Apr 28th 2019 at 12:00 pm - 5:00 pm

The annual celebration in Pinner High Street, with the famous Wheelbarrow Race at 3pm.

The High Street will be filled with entertainment for everyone with performers, stalls and activities.

There will be bellringing in the Parish Church, children's rides and games, a petting farm, face painting, food stalls and much more! 

At 1pm the Scouts, led by the Mayor of Harrow, will parade up the High Street to the War Memorial and renew their Promise. 

This will be followed by folk dancing from English Miscellany, Punch & Judy, and live music from local band Simply Gray. 

At 3pm the ever popular Pinner Wheelbarrow Race will take place.

See the full entertainment programme here.

The Wheelbarrow Race

The highlight of the celebrations is always Ye Olde Wheelbarrow Race, a unique Pinner event in which teams of two take it in turns to push their partner in a wheelbarrow, drink beer and race round the streets of Pinner. This starts at Little Common (just past the Police Station) and ends at Church Farm Green (opposite the Parish Church).

Are you interested in taking part in the 2019 wheelbarrow race?

Send an email to to request an application form.

Don’t feel up to pushing a wheelbarrow?
Why not volunteer to be a Steward instead.

We are looking for able bodied people who can assist us in keeping the public and participants safe during the race. You’ll also get a grandstand view and be part of Pinner's favourite annual race. 

Visit our main St George's Day page with links to photos from previous years.

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Merrydowners Morris Men perform outside the Queen's Head

Our annual celebration of St George's Day held in Pinner High Street and featuring the Wheelbarrow Race


Our annual community event and fundraiser in Pinner Memorial Park


Santa and his Sleigh, our popular Christmas float touring the streets of Pinner.


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