Questions and Answers

... some questions about Rotary membership answered

QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS                            

Q.  Is Settle part of a network of Clubs?

Yes, it is part of Rotary International in Great Britain and Ireland (Rotary GB&I).  This is an association of Rotary members, private clubs and districts. It is part of Rotary International, a worldwide organisation with 1.2 million business professionals and community leaders in over 200 countries and geographical areas. 

Rotary clubs are based in local communities across the world with its members meeting on a regular basis for fun and friendship, and to plan projects that will benefit the lives of others.

The worldwide organisation is over 100 years old and, since its humble beginnings in Chicago in 1905, is internationally renowned for improving the lives of millions of people in local communities and around the world.

Rotary GB&I has a professional Secretariat, based at Alcester in Warwickshire, which acts as an administrative centre for Rotary activities for the 29 Districts and 1,855 clubs across Great Britain and Ireland.

Rotary International has its world headquarters in Evanston, near Chicago, Illinois, USA

Q.  Who can join Rotary?

Rotary GB&I is an Association of private clubs, members of which abide by the Constitution and By-laws of the Association, and by the Constitution of their own club. 

Club members, as stated in the Rotary GB&I Club Constitution, should be "adult persons of good character and good business, professional and/or community reputation" who agree to uphold high moral and ethical standards in their "personal, business and community life" as well as in their interaction with other people generally.

Please note that "membership of a club is by invitation only, at the discretion of the members." It is important, therefore, that you take time to visit Settle Rotary Club on a few occasions to ensure not only that you get to know our members and that you will feel happy being part of the club, but also that you give its members a chance to get to know you.

Q.  What kind of people join Rotary?

Rotary members are enthusiastic, fun-loving and active volunteers who give their time and talents to serve communities both at home and overseas. These are dedicated people, men and women from business and professions, who share a common interest in helping others.

Q.  I don't have the time to join Rotary, do I?

We know that in a busy world the giving of time for the benefit of others can be difficult.  A good many people whose personal attributes and convictions would ordinarily make them fine candidates for Rotary membership may feel unable to make such a commitment.

We accept, however, that different levels of participation are inevitable.  We do have some dedicated members whose participation levels border on the full-time but most of our members participate somewhere in the region of small part-time.  For volunteers this is as it should be, and is in fact reflected within the attendance rules of Settle Rotary Club. 

Rather than have your contribution to society unfulfilled or postponed we will try our best to fit you in.

Q.  What are the meeting times of Settle Rotary?

We meet on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of each month at The Royal Oak Hotel in Settle at 6.30pm.

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We have supplied £4600 to our local Schools to support children who have problems accessing online teaching during the current lockdown.


.... the things we do for love!!

.... Settle Rotary supporting our local schools and young people

. .... Settle Rotary supporting our local schools and young people


...... Warning - it isn't always this exciting !!!


Rotary Merry-go-round - Friday 21st February 2025 A 3 COURSE MEAL IN 3 DIFFERENT HOTELS Tickets £30 Available from any member of Settle Rotary Club or contact the Secretary, David Blackburne tel 01729 822445 or email
