Prostate Cancer Awareness Campaign

Sat, Nov 9th 2024 at 9:00 am - 1:00 pm

We shall be distributing information in High Street, Ingatestone.

Prostate Cancer
Prostate Cancer

Prostate Cancer Awareness

We shall be greeting shoppers in the High Street and raising awareness about PSA Testing and Prostate Cancer.

Have you had a PSA Test?  Do you have regular tests?

Are you aware that 1 in 8 men will get prostate cancer in their lifetime?

You will be at risk of prostate cancer if
            You are aged 50 or over
            Your father or brother has had it
            You are of black ethnic origin [ 1 in 4 will get prostate cancer]

What should you do next?
            Talk to your GP for information and to arrange a test.
            Here is some information about PSA testing.


The PSA test and what the results might mean - download the PDF

Understanding the PSA test- download the PDF

Prostate Cancer Chance Diagnosis TV AppealDon't leave it to chance

More Info - Prostate Diseases and Prostate Cancer [CHAPS]

- link to webpage 

Neil MacalisterContact Neil Macalister about this page:

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