Each year, up to 100 Fellowships are offered on acompetitive basis at six prestigious Rotary Centers around the world. There are two Rotary Peace Fellowship programs and both provide funding for round-trip transportation, tuition fees, room and board plus other limited expenses.
Click on the link below for full details
/upimages/distreps/1240//Rotary PF Flyer B.pdf
The application process opens in January 2014. Applications should be submitted electronically in conjunction with your local Rotary Club. Results will be issued by mid-November 2014.
Interested applicants should contact their local Rotary Club or alternatively the District Peace Scholars' Co-ordinator: Philip Helps email p.helps@virgin.net phone 01376 512496
more We're for Communities: Rotarians from across the District packed the hall at Thriftwood College for the official opening. It has been marvellous to see everyone pull together for the benefit of our local children.
more There is close to half a million dollars raised for End Polio Now through the World's Greatest Meal. There's still time for clubs in this District to help push through the $500,000 ceiling.
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