District Assembly 2024

Sat, Apr 27th 2024 at 9:00 am - 1:00 pm

Register now and join us at Neston High School for a half day filled with fun, learning, and networking. This in-person event is a great opportunity to connect with fellow District members and gain valuable insights.

District members please log in for more information.

Welcome to the 2024 District 1180 Assembly

This in-person event is open to all Rotarians and Rotaractors in the District and is a "must do" for Club Officers and those who are new to our great organisation. This is a free event to attend and pre-registration via Eventbrite is required by following the link below.

The check in desk will be open from 9:00 to 10:00 on the 27th April when there will be hot drinks available and an opportunity to network before the day gets underway. Mid morning refreshments will also be provided.

This is a great opportunity to connect with fellow District members and gain valuable insights and knowledge. Don't miss out on this exciting event - mark your calendars now and register by clicking on the link HERE.

Nick GidneyContact Nick Gidney about this page:

(ALL fields required)

(If you are a Rotarian, please name your club.)