Here is the list of Charities that Basingstoke Loddon Rotary supporting in 2022/23
Loddon Rotary donations to Charities / Good Causes in 12 months
raised from participation in Basingstoke & Deane Community Lottery, Family
Fun Duck Race, Charity Dinner Event at Tang Chinese Restaurant, Gabardine Bar
Pig Race Night and other social events
The Community
Foodlink (Basingstoke) - collect fresh nutritious food from local
supermarkets for distribution to those most vulnerable
Basingstoke and
Area Tinnitus Support Group
Citizens Advice
Sherborne St John
Social Club -
Improving disabled facilities, renovating and making eco friendly
Home Start
– Supporting Young
Parents in Basingstoke project - providing emotional & practical help
The Safe - Helping
local families with a safe place to let their children play at playgroup
sessions whilst parents are supported with both social and practical
support. Specifically buying food that is needed to prepare take-away
meals for the weekly playgroups
Breakout Youth – LGBTQ+
Youth Basingstoke Branch – offering a confidential support service for
people aged 11 to 25
Basingstoke &
District Young Carers - supporting young carers aged 8 to
18 in Basingstoke & Deane
Defibrillators - at
The Orchard (Basingstoke Voluntary Action & local charities HQ)
The Camrose
Centre -helping homeless
and vulnerably housed people in Basingstoke
Inspero - Empowering young
people to live healthy lifestyles
North Hampshire Prostate
Basingstoke Support Group
Oakridge Road
Fire Fund
Turkey &
Syria Earthquake ShelterBox Donation
Contact Richard Brindle about this page:
Charities that were supported 2022/23 pages:
Selected Charities for 2013-14
more Dial A Ride, Alzeimers, Camrose Centre
YPI, St John Ambulance, Malaria in Tanzenia.
You can donate by logging on to -
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Basingstoke Loddon Rotary
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