District 1070 Disability Games

Disabled competitors of all ages take part in archery, darts, curling, table tennis, weightlifting, boccia, shooting, swimming, wheelchair slalom, and wheelchair dash.

Th Rotary Disability Games is an annual event organised by the Rotary Clubs in the East Midlands. Attracting between 150-200 competitors each year means that it's a big event to organise and usually involves about 100 Rotarians and a similar number of carers. All competitors and carers are provided with a substantial lunch pack.

It's an all day event with VIP visitors attending to hand out the prizes. Usually the VIP's consist of The District Governor, A Mayor or Deputy Mayor, with the occasional Team GB Paralympian helping out too!

Simon Kalson from the Lindum Lincoln Rotary Club said "I have been involved in the Disability since 2021, including the National Rotary Games until they ceased. The Games are very complex to organise; however the rewards are immense, and I have always felt they are one of the greatest community events we are involved in. Seeing so much fun and enjoyment makes it so worthwhile."

Email Testimonial from a Mum

Well – what an amazing day!  I can’t thank you and your Rotary colleagues enough for the wonderful day that my family and I have enjoyed today.  As you predicted, Thomas absolutely loved the sport and the socialising.  He has taken his 2 trophies to bed with him tonight (so he can see them as soon as he wakes up) and said that at school he watches all the other kids getting trophies in assembly and has always wanted one of his own, now he’s got 2!  As well as competing in the swimming he also had ago at archery, weightlifting, boccia, darts and basketball and he made lots of new friends among Team Woodhall Warriors.  It was a wonderful opportunity for him.  One of the highlights though was meeting Will [Team GB Paralympian] – what an absolute pleasure it was to speak to him about his Paralympic experience, and what an inspiration for Thomas to see what he could achieve one day too, maybe.  We could not thank him enough for taking the time to visit.

Email Testimonial from an organising Archery Club

Emma who actually won the junior archery competition asked if her friend could have the trophy as she had already won one and she wanted both of them to have a trophy. We let them both have a second go and he did get the best score on that so technically he did win if we counted both of their scores. Emma showed exceptional sportsmanship and she clearly valued her friendship more than the trophy. We all need friends like Emma and hopefully she will be a Rotarian one day.

Richard PowerContact Richard Power about this page:

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District 1070 Disability Games pages:

2024 Disability Games

more To be held at Ratcliffe College, Ratcliffe on the Wreake.

2023 Disability Games

more 175 competitors, 85 carers, plus about 100 Rotarians, volunteers and third party sports clubs came from all over the Rotary district, which includes parts of Lincolnshire, Leicestershire, Cambridge, Northamptonshire, and Rutland.

2022 Disability Games

more .

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