Rotary Stars

Rewarding primary school children for acts of good Citizenship - A Rotary programme for teachers

A Rotary In The East Midlands project that recognises and rewards Primary School age children for acts of good citizenship.

Why ‘Rotary Stars’ is so worthwhile implementing

Whereas the majority of Rotary Youth programes and competitions cater predominantly for gifted and talented children, the ‘Rotary Stars’ project is open and suitable for all children irrespective of age, talent or academic ability. It is all down to personal achievement with no competition element.

What teachers say about ‘Rotary Stars’

  • “The effects of this project on Citizenship and Community Involvement by our youngsters has been amazing. Rotary has provided the carrot to which they have responded”

  • “I sleep at night knowing projects like this exist it’s not all about tests, tests, tests.”

  • “Rotary has given us the opportunity to recognise and reward children from outside the normal school curriculum, this has done wonders for their self esteem.”
  • “This is a lovely project for our children; every child has the opportunity to be a Rotary Star.

  • Thank you Rotary for the opportunity to allow our stars to shine.” 

How does it work?

  • The Head Teacher contacts their local Rotary Club to discuss setting up Rotary Stars in their school
  • The Head teacher nominates pupils for the Rotary Star award
  • The local Rotary Club presents the children with:
    • A Rotary Star certificate
    • A Rotary Star badge
    • A monetary token of appreciation (optional)
  • In consultation with the head teacher the Rotary Club decides:
    • The number & frequency of awards
    • The amount and type of monetary token (optional)

It really is such a simple and rewarding project to run and so rewarding for the Children, helping them to understand that Good Citizenship is rewarding and worthwhile.

The information sheet for Teachers can be found Here

Please use our Club Finder to locate your nearest Rotary Club

For Clubs & Rotarians

Rotary Clubs can contact the District Organiser listed below for further information, Badges and template certificates.

Contact Lesley Tyers about this page:

(ALL fields required)

(If you are a Rotarian, please name your club.)

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