Club Foundation Projects - International

Presenting some of the International Foundation Projects run by Clubs in District 1070

Rotary Club of Lindum Lincoln

Changing Lives in Meru, Kenya - A multi-club project led by the Rotary Club of Lindum Lincoln

“Excited, pleased and proud to help the poor in Meru, Kenya”

These are the words of President Stav Melides of the Rotary Club of Lindum Lincoln.

On the completion of a further two projects, to make ten in all in the area over the past six years.

The “Changing Lives” project at a cost of £55,000 has provided two tailoring workshops, a retail outlet and community health support to school girls. The workshops give employment with school uniforms sold together with free re-usable sanitary pads.

The other project is “Permaculture 2” – one of a series, in which traditional farming methods are combined with western knowhow to give higher agriculture yields. Based at the local polytechnic, demonstration areas for dairy, pigs, hens, vegetables and fruit are spreading knowledge not only to students, but also local communities. £9,000 well spent and sustainable. 

Success would not have been possible without a close relationship with Grantham Kesteven Rotary Club and the charity Friends of Kianjai Kenya (FKK), along with financial support from other Rotary Clubs in England, Canada and France and the Rotary Foundation charity in America. The Rotarians in Meru delivered despite the many obstacles; inflation, covid, threat of terrorism, the shooting of the FKK local representative, drought, and now flooding.

Rotary Club of Kettering Huxloe

Building a science lab in Ghana - A multi-club project led by the Rotary Club of Kettering Huxloe

School Lab being built

Started in 2023, we believe this to be an extremely worthwhile project which will bring science to life for hundreds of young people who are currently limited to learning about physics, chemistry, and biology from just textbooks. 

Work has started on the new science lab at the Agona Swedru School in Ghana, with the building expected to be completed soo. It will be officially called The Rotary District 1070 Science Building. 

All this was enabled by a multi-club District Foundation Grant and the support of 21 clubs in District 1070 to cover the £25,000 cost of the project..

Rotary Club of Leicester

Equipment for a new orthopaedic operating theatre at Gondar University hospital

Pictures of their Global Grant project through which they provided the equipment for a new orthopaedic operating theatre at Gondar University hospital. 


A full account of the project is available HERE

Rotary Clubs of
St. Ives, Danetre Daventry, Northampton Becket, Peterborough, Ramsey, Northampton

Sand Dams in Kenya 

Click on the picture below for a full report on the Sand Dam Project

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