News and Events

The Magazine of District 1070

District 1070 News & Events magazine

A voice for our Clubs and Team Leaders to let everyone know what’s going on in our District.

Who is this magazine for?

The simple answer is everyone!  

News & Events is a magazine directed not just at Rotary members, but our friends & neighbours, wherever and whoever they may be. The Magazine showcases the latest Rotary acheivements by our Clubs, District 1070 and Rotary in Great Britain & Ireland, as well as highlighting key issues where Rotary's help is desperately needed.

Magazine Availability

All editions of News & Events are available online. 

Clubs & Rotarians - How you can Help

We want to showcase your activites and achievments! So many Rotarians are doing such fantastic work for many very needy causes that deserve to be showcased to the world.

Please send us your stories, big or small with pictures and we will publish them either in the Magazine or on the Website.

Team Leaders - How you can Help

We want to showcase your activites and achievments! With dedicated sections in the Magazine you can tell the world about the fantastic work your Teams are doing.

  • The Rotary Foundation
  • Youth Activities & Programmes
  • Environmental Service
  • International Service
  • Community Activities & Programmes

We hope that you enjoy reading News & Events!

All feedback and contributions are welcome

Bob BraidwoodContact Bob Braidwood about this page:

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(If you are a Rotarian, please name your club.)

News and Events pages:

News & Events - Current Edition

more Read or download the Current Edition of News & Events

News & Events - Past Editions

more Read or download Past Editions