
District Governor

Richard Burnett PHF

District Treasurer

Lera Evered

District Secretary

Robin Gonard PHF

Assistant Governor

Geoffrey Philpot PHF

Assistant Governor

Peter Hall

Assistant Governor

Ed Burt PHF

Assistant Governor

Hash Chandegra

Assistant Governor

Rob Adams PHF

Assistant Governor

Maddy Phillips PHF

Assistant Governor

Paul Steele PHF

Assistant Governor

Gordon Lewis

Assistant Governor

Ray Drake PHF

Assistant Governor

Richard Spalding

Public Image Team Leader

Helen Ricketts

Rotary Foundation Team Leader

Nick Vaughan PHF

Membership Team Leader

Bill Casey PHF

International Service Team Leader

Chris Davis

Youth Service Team Leader

Steve Marriott

District Governor Elect (DGE)

Steve Parsons PHF

District Governor Nominee (DGN)

Kevin Flynn

Safeguarding Officer

Martin Ward PHF

Environment Officer

Mike Hurley MPHF


Sue Burnett PHF

Leadership Development & Training

Caroline Millman PHF

Primary Webmaster

Tris Tristram MPHF

Health & Safety

Robin Gonard PHF

Data Protection

Tris Tristram MPHF

Information Technology

Tris Tristram MPHF

Equality & Diversity

'Tunde Adelakun


Martin Ward PHF

Humanitarian Team Leader

Deirdre Selwyn PHF

'What We Do' Main Pages:

Conference Venue

Don’t delay – Register today and become part of an unforgettable Rotary experience comprising a weekend of inspiration, motivation and friendships.


Win the District Trophy


For Disadvantaged and Displaced Children


The mission of The Rotary Foundation is to enable Rotarians, to advance world understanding, goodwill and peace through the improvement of health, the support of education and the alleviation of poverty.


ShelterBox is a global community with a shared purpose – no one without shelter after disaster. We provide emergency shelter and aid essentials at times of disaster, conflict and climate crisis, enabling people to survive and recover.


Hundreds of youngsters take part every year in our youth competitions which in most cases take the form of regional heats followed by a national final. The majority are categorised into junior, intermediate and advanced age groups.


Fundamentally Rotary is a philosophy of life that translates into a philosophy of service. Our motto is "Service above Self"


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This page will feature all upcoming development, preparation and training courses, and seminars.


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A Brief Explanation Helping to Raise Money and the Profile of Rotary!
