Why Rotary?

About Rotary

Leith Rotary Club has worked to a common goal for over 70 years: to help others, locally and internationally.

We take action locally, working together to raise funds and raise awareness of local causes in our community.

We connect to international action with fellow Rotarians around the world. Through initiatives such as Shelterbox, and our links to projects in countries where we can support community and economic development, we support Rotary International's 7 areas of focus:

  1. Economic and Community Development
  2. Basic Education and Literacy
  3. Maternal and Child Health
  4. Disease Prevention and Treatment
  5. Water and Sanitation
  6. Peace and Conflict Prevention and Resolution
  7. Environment

What has helped the club stay together and succeed? 

We believe in having fun while working as a team. We have achieved historic local events, such as the Dragon Boat Race and the Leith Pageant, as well as small local actions. Ambitious projects have been tackled with vigour, humour and our Rotarian Four Way Test guiding how we work together and with others:

Is it the truth? Is it fair to all concerned? Will it build goodwill and better friendships? Will it be beneficial to all concerned?

Jim PreacherContact Jim Preacher about this page:

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'What We Do' Main Pages:

About Rotary


Seven Decades of Fellowship, Friendship and Action


Connecting Leith with the Rotary International Vision
