Justine Parker from Kew Gardens came to talk to us about the Discovery and Access Programmes offered to visitors with additional needs. A dedicated Discovery bus was available to allow visitors with limited mobility, learning disability or sensory loss an opportunity to tour the Gardens and enjoy the magic. There were also walking tours and Health walks which could be offered to Community Groups. This was an excellent example of a desire to be inclusive and provide access to Kew Gardens for everyone in the local community. Many of the Club members are members of Kew Gardens as well and we were all excited by Justine's energy and enthusiasm for the project which will bring access to our beloved Gardens to so many more people who will benefit from the peace and beauty.
more Esmé Johnson, Senior Actuarial Analyst working for British Airways Pensions, spoke to us about her job, her life and her career
more Anita and her husband Stuart lived and worked on the Falkland Islands and Anita described some of their experiences and showed us some of her photos
more Rachel Tranter told us about The Richmond Borough's Artwork, which she holds at Orleans Gallery
more Tom joined the club for a meal and chat, then talked to us about hearing loss
more Dennis Brock--(100yrs old) Chief Bell Ringer St Marys Church Sunbury--- Speaker "My memory of being a POW in Germany"
more Our speaker Gerry Anderson spoke to us about the National Football League
more Our International Evening on 18 January 2016 had a New Zealand theme.
more Joseph was speaking to us about the 23rd World Scout Jamboree in Japan
more Rachele Howes and her friends playing Mozart
more Amusing Stories from a fireman's life
more On 17 September 2013 Linda Cooley from Shepperton Wig Co. not only told us things we didn't know about wigs but also fitted members with those she thought most appropriate.
more Max Lankester of Friends of Richmond Park presented a review of the park's history
more Our speaker Ronald Porter spoke about three controversial figures from the latter half of the 20th century: Lord Boothby, Princess Margaret and Barbara Hutton.
back Due to Covid-19 restrictions, we have been meeting via Zoom therefore the current presentations have been facilitated using the Zoom service. We plan to return to face to face speakers and events in the very near future