On Call Africa

This was one of most ambitious charitable undertakings.

Humanitarian project by On Call Africa expanded to reach more rural communities in Zambia. People in rural communities have to walk in excess of 15km to see a doctor and many have never seen one. OCA is improving healthcare by providing essential healthcare services through mobile clinics, education, and training.

Back in 2015 Rotary Club of Kilsyth, Langholm club  and others along with a Rotary Foundation Global Grant funded a new Toyota Ambulance to give reliability to OCA’s operation in the Southern Province of Zambia where travelling conditions can be challenging. It allowed them to provide mobile healthcare to 9 remote communities and deliver direct treatment- last year alone they treated almost 6000 people. Health Education has been provided in local schools and communities with CHW’s (Community Health Workers) being trained to work in the communities. Successful working partnerships with local Rural Health Centres and Health Authorities have been formed and they have an abundance of volunteer support from UK doctors/nurses and elsewhere. OCA have gained an excellent reputation and are being recognised and supported by other funders including Scottish Government.

They are now at the position of having a successful model and they now seek to replicate in another 9 communities whilst continuing to work in the existing communities.  This will demand further resource including a further ambulance. This time Rotary Club of Langholm Kilsyth club again using Rotary Foundation Grant have funded a second ambulance. The ambulance has only recently been delivered and is already out undertaking vital research and setting up to start delivering healthcare early 2021. COVID19 has delayed progress however OCA have been working with Zambian Health authorities to develop COVID strategies.

On Call Africa, as it grows, strives to ensure sustainability through staffing in both UK and Zambia, improved communication, technology and funding. 

Rotary has played an enormous part in OCA’s development by providing 2 new ambulances enabling safe transport for doctors, patients, and equipment over rugged terrain in rural Zambia. Without these mobile clinics no healthcare would be available.

People often wonder where the funds Rotary collects are spent and this is only one project, albeit substantial, that we have undertaken. This would not be possible without the generous support of our local communities for which we are extremely grateful. The funds clubs input are effectively tripled through Rotary Foundation grant.

'What We Do' Main Pages:

We work with and support local groups to improve the environment. As part of the club’s 50th anniversary celebrations, we are planting 50 fruit trees in various parts of the town.


We’re delighted to be supporting this year 2 Rotakids groups at Balmalloch and St Patrick’s Primary Schools


An important aspect of Rotary is enjoying each others’ company. As well as our weekly meetings for fellowship, we enjoy social activities such as canal cruises, discos, car treasure hunts and murder mystery nights.


We are actively involved in the community. Our recent activities include seniors’ concert, tearoom and stall at Civic Week, Santa Sleigh and Carol concert at Christmas and Christmas Fayre. We also support projects such as tidying up and tree planting.


We work with local schools offering opportunities to take part in Rotary competitions. We also organise a Rotary Technology competition for schools in the local area.


We support Rotary's worldwide mission to wipe out Polio. We plant crocuses in the town and various primary schools. For a number of years, we have raised funds by having an afternoon tea dedicated to End Polio Now.

On Call Africa's Ambulance and workers

This was one of most ambitious charitable undertakings.
