Formerly Feltham Rotary

How the club got it's Charter

Central Sussex Rotary began in January 2021 when we 'adopted' the Rotary Charter from the Feltham Rotary Club who had disbanded in June 2020.  Here is a small article showing how the Rotary Club of Feltham was chartered in 1940.

From Feltham’s Archives

In 1938 three or four local inhabitants met together to discuss the formation of a Rotary Club for Feltham and after many meetings and fruitless discussions it seemed that the Club would not come into being. Fortunately the Past President of the Staines Club and then a member of the Extension Committee 14 took over and it was decided that during 1939 a few preliminary luncheons should be held.

About twenty-four local business and professional men gathered at the luncheons. Evening meetings and discussions were held and it was decided to proceed with the formation of the Club.

Unfortunately before the Club came into being World War No.2 had broken out but the Founders of the Club decided to go ahead and The Rotary Club of Feltham came into being as the First Rotary War Baby.

Very many difficulties were experienced at the outset, particularly the question of a meeting place and the provision of luncheons but these difficulties were all overcome (thanks to the whole hearted co-operation and spirit and goodwill of the Members)  and in spite of the war, air raids and all the difficulties of that time the luncheons went on without interruption .

The Charter was granted in 1940 and the Charter Night was held at The Winning Post, Whitton, on the 22nd May 1940, when the Charter was presented to the Founder President Rev. R. Cleminson by the District Chairman. At that function the Club Gong was presented by the Staines Club, which is the parent Club of the Rotary Club of Feltham.

[Copied verbatim from the Club’s “Greetings” brochure for visitors arriving at Heathrow published by the Club’s International Committee c. 1947]

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How the club got it's Charter
