Click on the links below to learn more about some of the other projects we are proud to support.
Epsom and Ewell Phab club provides inclusive activities for young people with and without disabilities. These activities include sports, arts, crafts, games, drama, dance and music on Friday club evening.
On club holidays they take part in rock climbing, abseiling, canoeing, dry slope skiing, caving and there is a lively programme of outings and events.
The club is run entirely by volunteers with a membership of around 120 young people.
More details can be found at PHAB
ShelterBox provides emergency shelter and vital supplies to support communities around the world overwhelmed by disaster and humanitarian crisis.
If there are families in need of emergency shelter, ShelterBox does everything it can to help them rebuild their lives.
Rotary is the driving force behind the near eradication of Polio. When we started the annual number of global cases exceeded 350,000, last year there were less than 30.
The Rotary Club of Ewell has received recognition for our own small part of this global endeavour.
Rotary International sponsors WaterAid and therefore encourages each club to be involved. Ewell Rotary Club is lucky to have two members who have been recognised by Prince Charles for their work for WaterAid.
Tom and Primrose Drake, members of the Rotary Club of Ewell, were honoured by HRH Prince of Wales, President of WaterAid, with the Award for Outstanding Voluntary Contribution in recognition of their dedication in fund-raising and campaigning for WaterAid over 15 years, during which over 250 conferences and meetings have been addressed and 200,000 raised, saving or improving the lives of over 14,000 people in Africa and Asia.
Four years ago, the couple were invited by WaterAid, as paying guests, to experience first-hand, the difficulties of sanitation and safe water in Mali, West Africa. This proved to be a life-changing experience and since their visit have created awareness by talking to schools, faith groups, Womens Institutes, Rotary clubs and other organisations about the work of WaterAid, raised 60,000 which has enabled over 4000 people in Mali, one of the worlds poorest countries, to benefit from safe water, sanitation and hygiene education.
WaterAid ( over the last 30 years have provided safe water to over 15 million people and improved sanitation to 11 million people and now operates in 28 countries. Past R.I. President John Kenny, was initially responsible for building the relationship between WaterAid and Rotary International, following his visit to Tanzania in 1993. To date, Rotary Clubs within R.I.B.I. have contributed nearly 3 million, helping over 200,000 people with safe water and sanitation.
Tom has been a member of the Rotary Club of Ewell for 35 years and is the club's longest-serving member; he has served as President (twice), R.I. Water Resource Group Co-ordinator (District & Zone), Assistant Governor, a founder member of WASRAG ( and a Paul Harris Fellow. Both he and Primrose have worked and continue to work tirelessly in creating awareness of the problems of the lack of safe water and sanitation in sub-Saharan Africa and Asia.
'What We Do' Main Pages:
Back in 2021 Ewell Rotary and Epsom Rotary teamed up in partnership, to use an allotment to help grow fresh produce for people in need in the local community.
moreThe club has donated a Shelter Box to aid those who have been made homeless and lost every thing in Hurricane Beryl.
moreDid you know that whenever you buy anything online – from your weekly shop to your annual holiday – you could be raising free donations for Rotary Club of Ewell with Easyfundraising?
moreRYLA gives Rotary clubs the opportunity to offer the leaders of the future, a head start at an early age, developing teamwork and leadership skills.
moreAn overview of some of the projects supported by the Rotary Club of Ewell
moreLearn what makes a Rotarian