Pentlands Community Chest

Call for Applications by 31st May




The Chest provides grants to local clubs and organisations for projects seen as of benefit to the local community. The maximum grant amount has now been increased to £600 and the guidelines favour small projects where the grant amount will make a big difference to the organisation. We’re opening the chest this month and we’re ready for your bids.


The Chest is administered and funded jointly by Currie Balerno Rotary and the Balerno Village Trust (BVT). Applications can be made up to the end of May and November each year for consideration in June and December respectively. 


Since its introduction the Chest has made grants in response to a wide range of applications – from Brownies, Scouts and Air Cadets, from junior football and basketball clubs, from tennis clubs, from schools, from Currie Community Centre and Riding for the Disabled, from a dementia support group, from environmental projects and more.


The Community Chest is available to clubs and organisations in Balerno, Currie, Juniper Green, Kirknewton and Ratho and applications are now invited with a closing date of 31 May. Don’t delay.


Information about the Community Chest and up-dated application forms can be found on the websites of Currie Balerno Rotary and the Balerno Village Trust at and


For information about Currie Balerno Rotary go to our website or follow us on: and


or for Balerno Village Trust



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