Blancheland College were the top winners with Imola Beader winning first prize with a photo of the Entrance to the Airport and Freddy Brier, a very close second, with a photo of a timber spiral staircase.
Le Mourier won the intermediate prize with a photograph called "Reflections" by Kibe Bennett.
Le Rondin won the junior prize for a photograph of the school taken from an angle by Jake.
All entrants received a certificate from Rotary.
more A Prose or Poetry Competition
more Closing date for photos to be entered is Saturday 9th September.
more The 2023 Competition.
more This year's theme is 'COLOURS of NATURE'
more Christmas Remembering Morning
more The Final
more Elizabeth College's intermediate team build for the future
more Onwards & Upwards!
more Mourant generously sponsored the Guernsey Competition once again this year and also support the winning team going forward.
more Overall winner: Ruby Hynes, Grammar School.
more Overall Winners - Elizabeth College Senior Team 2
more Sophie Charmley from Blanchelande College was the winner and will represent the island in the district final.