Clubs Environmental Round-up

See what many clubs in our District are already doing to protect the environment and limit climate change. What will Your club do?

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District 1110 Environment Action

back Here you'll find details of how Rotarians in this District are responding to Rotary's newest area of focus Supporting the Environment

'What We Do' Main Pages:

The Rotary Club of Guernsey would like to extend our grateful thanks to those Companies, Partnerships, Firms & Individuals whose support is so essential.


Community Services makes a difference to our Community.


International Services main role is too improve our contacts outside the Island.


The regular influx of new members to our club is absolutely vital to our long term future.


Toasting Rotary clubs from around the world!


The Inner Wheel Club of Guernsey


The Centenary Year of the Club is now with us and plans have been made for a year of commemoration, celebration and raising the awareness of Rotary within the community.


Now and again it is a pleasure to record awards given to individual members of the Rotary Club of Guernsey for services to the Club and the wider community.
