GROW Limited is a Guernsey Charity focused upon the needs of the island's learning disabled. Established some 35 years ago as a subsidiary of Guernsey Mencap, their six full-time staff provide training and care to some 25 attendees. The focus of GROW Limited is on preparing the learning-disabled for the world of work.
To make best use of its site and skills GROW needs to expand, broaden and upgrade its operations. To this end they have prepared a comprehensive redevelopment plan which has now received planning permission. The estimated total cost will be circa £2.5m and take 18 months to complete.
GROW has launched a fund-raising campaign with an initial focus on large Trusts, NGOs and major gift donors before broadening the appeal to embrace the entire island population. The presentation will explain the background to their work, the need for this comprehensive redevelopment and the anticipated outcome.
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The Rotary Club of Guernsey would like to extend our grateful thanks to those Companies, Partnerships, Firms & Individuals whose support is so essential.
moreThe Inner Wheel Club of Guernsey
moreThe Centenary Year of the Club is now with us and plans have been made for a year of commemoration, celebration and raising the awareness of Rotary within the community.