Rotary Club of Guernesiais Trinity House Talk

Mon, Nov 14th 2016 at 6:30 pm -

Photograph taken at the event:

L-R: Helen Wood (Inner Wheel), Captain Brian Nibbs (Trinity House), Joanne Reynolds (Rotary Club of Guernesiais) & Brian Acton (Rotary Club of Guernsey).


The Rotary Club of Guernesiais has arranged that Captain Brian Nibbs will give a talk on the work of Trinity House at Guernsey Yacht Club on Monday 4th November after which a meal will be served.

The talk starts at 6.30 p.m. with dinner served at 7.30 p.m. allowing a pause between for questions and for members to go to the bar.

The Menu is as follows:

Filo Wrapped Prawns with a Sweet Chili Dip
Smoked Salmon Tartare with Brown Bread and Butter
Sauté Wild Mushrooms in a Garlic and Cream Sauce on a Toasted Brioche
Fillet of Sea Bass with a Lobster Bisque Sauce
Roast Loin of Pork ‘St Pierre’ topped with Dijon Mustard and Grated Mature Cheese
Vegetable and Cheese Bake with Garlic Bread
(All served with Dauphinoise Potatoes and Seasonal Vegetables)
Sticky Toffee pudding with Whipped Guernsey Cream
Warm Apple Pie with Custard

3 Courses £19.95

Please advise Aimee Curzon (aimeecurzon73[at] of your menu choices and copy to Brian Acton.

Information on Trinity House and re Captain Nibbs is below.

The Corporation of Trinity House is an organisation little known to the general public. Yet with over 500 years of heritage and a global reputation for excellence it's a vital part of Britain's maritime infrastructure.

Its leading role in developing and maintaining aids to navigation for all types of shipping, its skill base as the leading maritime fraternity and its activities as the largest self-funded maritime charity make it a diverse and forward-thinking organisation, all the more fascinating for being backed up by such a rich history.

Hear more about what Trinity House does for you, where it has come from and where it's going in this interesting overview of one of the UK's most misunderstood treasures.

Presenter Biography


Ambassador Name:

Captain Brian Nibbs RD* FICS FRIN FCMI



Mobile Number:

Became Younger Brother of Trinity

House on:

15 February 2000


Type of Maritime Experience, Sector:

Captain Brian Nibbs ‘served his time’ as a Deck Officer Cadet with Ellerman Lines, remaining with them in ascending ranks until gaining his Masters Certificate in August 1966. Then followed two years in cross channel ferries as Chief Officer after which he spent two years in the City as a Senior Marine Claims Adjuster with a P & I Club. Brian then relocated to Jersey and after two years as a Marine Consultant, he returned to a seagoing career as Chief Officer, latterly Master, of a Jersey registered ro/ro vessel running between Jersey, Guernsey and St Malo.

In 1974 Brian took up the position of Marine Operations Officer with Jersey Harbours. After some 12 years he left to become Operations Director of Huelin-Renouf Shipping, involving vessel management and distribution of freight in Jersey, Guernsey and Portsmouth.

The opportunity arose in 1996 to take up the position of Harbour Master of Jersey, latterly becoming CEO.

Brian retired in June 2004 and founded the Greenhill Consultancy Limited, though which he continues to undertake a range of marine related activities, including vessel registration and advising a marine civil engineering company on specific harbour related projects.


Particular Roles of Note:

·  Master ro/ro vessel Fleur des Iles 1972/74

·  Harbour Master of Jersey 1996/ 2000

·  CEO Jersey Harbours 2000/2004

·  Hon. Acting ADC to Lt. Governor of Jersey 1980/2010

·  President TS Jersey, Jersey Sea Cadet Corps. 2000 to present day

·  President Jersey Merchant Seamen’s Benefit Society Inc. 1997 to present day

·  Trustee, Channel Islands Air Search 2000 to present day

·  Brian is also involved with Rotary Club de la Manche (Press Officer) and the Parish of St Clement (Roads Committee member.

·  Brian is a member of both the St Helier Yacht Club and the Royal Channel Islands Yacht Club

·  Brian is a Fellow of the Royal Institute of Navigation, the Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers and the Chartered institute of Management.

·  Brian is a keen golfer - when time permits!


Brian ActonContact Brian Acton about this page:

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'What We Do' Main Pages:

The Rotary Club of Guernsey would like to extend our grateful thanks to those Companies, Partnerships, Firms & Individuals whose support is so essential.


Community Services makes a difference to our Community.


International Services main role is too improve our contacts outside the Island.


The regular influx of new members to our club is absolutely vital to our long term future.


Toasting Rotary clubs from around the world!


The Inner Wheel Club of Guernsey


The Centenary Year of the Club is now with us and plans have been made for a year of commemoration, celebration and raising the awareness of Rotary within the community.


Now and again it is a pleasure to record awards given to individual members of the Rotary Club of Guernsey for services to the Club and the wider community.
