Inner Wheel

The Inner Wheel Club of Guernsey

The Inner Wheel Club of Guernsey

Linda Parish handing over the Presidency to Helen Wood

The Inner Wheel Club of Guernsey is a thriving, active club currently with 43 Members and 2 Honorary Members.

Helen Wood and Teresa O’Hara are Joint Presidents this year, with Helen as President for the first half of the Club year.  Helen will hand over to Teresa at the Christmas lunch on 11 December.
Rosemary Bishop-White will serve as Vice-President for the whole year.

President Helen’s chosen charity is The Friends of the Princess Elizabeth Hospital in Guernsey and the Club will be helping to raise funds for that charity during Helen’s term as President.

Background of Inner Wheel

Inner Wheel is one of the largest women's organisations in the world.  There are over 100,000 members worldwide in 103 countries.  The objectives of Inner Wheel are:

•    to promote true friendship
•    to encourage the ideals of personal service
•    to foster international understanding

History of our Club

The Inner Wheel Club of Guernsey was formed on 30th January 1947 and the inaugural meeting was held at The Royal Hotel. Subscriptions were set at 10/6 per annum and meetings were held on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month.

The Club was officially chartered on 24th September 1947.

The Guernsey Club is part of District 11 and we have close links with our friends in the UK and we visit both District and National events whenever possible.

How we operate

We meet on the 3rd Wednesday evening of the month during the Inner Wheel ‘year’ of July to June (although we meet at lunchtime in the dark months of winter) when we hold our business meetings and a programme of guest speakers, but throughout the year we enjoy additional social events.

The Club also works closely with the two Rotary Clubs in Guernsey (Rotary Guernsey and Rotary Guernesiais) assisting them with the Tree of Joy (which provides Christmas presents for children in need who have been identified by local social organisations), and the annual shoebox appeal respectively.  We also help with the breakfast service and at a checkpoint on the Saffery Rotary Round the Island Walk every year in June, and provide help with Autism Guernsey who host a Winter Wonderland event every year around Christmastime.


Please click HERE for our most recent Newsletter.

Getting in touch

If you would like to find out more about the Inner Wheel Club of Guernsey contact our Secretary, Pauline Hogg, email

Inner Wheel sub-pages:

Inner Wheel supports Community First Responder Scheme (20 June 2023)

more £2,500 donated.

Inner Wheel International Fundraising Film Night (8 March 2022)

more £550 raised for the Eleanor Foundation

Inner Wheel Charter Lunch

more 75th Charter Lunch at Les Cotils