The Club continues to fundraise for Uganda in particular to support a mobile outreach laboratory.
This small van, with trained staff, travels to outlying rural communities to do on the spot blood tests, to assess patients who may or may not have AIDS, and importantly trigger medication and review the ongoing response to drugs.
The mobile visits are regular and predictable so there is no need for patients to make expensive and difficult trips to hospital (where even simple tests are often not available).
Past president Paul Steele has kindly offered to host a lunch between Christmas and New Year, for all Club members, partners, visitors and friends on Friday 28 December, at his St. Martins home: thank you in advance to Michele!
more Very nearly £3,000 pounds raised for the Rotary Foundation, Rotary’s own charity.
more £2,424 pounds raised for the Rotary Foundation, Rotary’s own charity.
more An amazing £1933 raised for Rotary's work world wide.