The Rotary Club of Malvern has chosen this title for our committee rather than the RI/Rotary GB&I one of Administration Committee although some responsibilities are common to both.
Within our club, the responsibilities of this committee (made up of the President Elect, Vice President, House Officer plus at least one other member) are to organise weekly and special programmes (recent examples include indoor bowls, skittles, barbecues, pig roast and overseas visits to Austria & Ireland), track club attendance, arrange for the programme of speakers throughout the year, promote fellowship among club members and to conduct any other activities associated with the effective operation of the club
more Puckrup Hall. 7.00 for 7.30pm Entertainment: Soprano Jane Swan and friends
more Malvern Rotary Club Carol Service at St Leonard's Church, Newlands followed by drinks and mince pies
more Vocational Committee
more Chris Corrin is MRC's Sports Officer.
more The Brief for the Youth and Community Committee
more The Brief for the Fundraising Committee
more Function