Young Musician

Young Musician Competition - 2024/25

Young Musician Competition 2024/25

There are four stages to the competition, each designed to support and encourage the development of musical skills. The first stage is a competition at local level where the Rotary Club will organise a competition. Winners then take part in a District competition which is followed by a Regional final and, in due course, a National final.

The competition is open to all levels, grades and styles of young instrumentalists and vocalists. The organisers particularly welcome entrants from modern genres.

The competition aims to offer young people:

  • the experience of performing on a public stage
  • an opportunity to showcase their musical talent
  • impartial feedback and assessment of their performance by an experienced adjudicator

The competition is open to all schools and college communities, including those that are home educated and any other young peoples’ community organisations, for example, community RotaKids, community Interact, Scout Groups, Girl Guides.

There are two categories in the competition:

  • solo instrumental
  • solo vocal

This is a competition at which competitors are judged within the context of a live performance. Competitors perform a work or selection of works of their own choice within a time not exceeding 10 minutes.

Information on the closing dates for Club competitions will be posted soon.

Further details with an Information Pack and Poster are on the Rotary GB&I website HERE. ( The Entry Form is available on the Members’ pages of the Rotary GB&I website.

Any young person who is interested in taking part is invited to contact their local Rotary Club. HERE

More information (for Rotary Clubs) is available HERE

Further details are available from Fiona Sellar using the Contact Form below.

Contact Fiona Sellar about this page:

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(If you are a Rotarian, please name your club.)

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Youth Service


'What We Do' Main Pages:

The Club has a committee of elected officers who form the Club Council. These are the current President, Vice President, Secretary, Convenors of the 4 committees and the Immediate Past President.


The Club Service Committee aims to organise one event a month for most months of the year to promote engagement from members. Ideas and suggestions are actively encouraged and welcomed and are discussed and considered by the committee.

Youth Service Convenor, Pauline Simpson

We are committed to offering young people a range of opportunities to unlock their potential, develop their skills and broaden their horizons.


We aim to be an active and visible part of the community with projects that are relevant and effective and respond to the needs of the local community.


The aim of the International/Foundation committee is to give International a high profile and, with the support of the committee and the club, to inform and involve as many people as possible.


The purpose of the Public Image Committee is to maintain and enhance the Club’s public image .This is done through the website, the Facebook page , handouts, word of mouth and by our visibility and involvement in local events and activities.


When you get involved in Rotary, you expand your perspective by making new connections, and making a difference in your community and around the world. Interested? Join us and get involved in ways that matter to you.
