.Rotary club of Stirling AGM 3rd May 2019
President Sandy Farquharson welcomed a good turnout of members to the club AGM. In the last week we took part in the Wilkedin golf at Gleneagles, which was won by Pitlochry, and organised a very successful primary school quiz won by Dunning Primary.
President Sandy opened the AGM with a review of his presidential year.
He had much enjoyed the club activities and the fellowship which went with them. He was pleased to see Stirling featured so prominently in Rotary First, the district 1010 magazine, which covered many of our activities over the year. Gardening at Stirling station has thankfully returned to normal following the completion of building work, and the display of plants is looking good. In the near future, 24th May we have our AM/AM at Stirling Golf club, with a good number of teams entered, and all we need is the weather. President Sandy has instigated a review of the club's committee structure, to be discussed by members when completed. The AGM continued with reports from the hon Sec, Treasurer, and committee conveners. The vote of thanks was given by next year's
SVP Alan Bradshaw.
Next week, 10th May Speaker's host Alan Skilling, Visitor's host Alan Prentice
Ian Richardson