Stirling Station

Fri, Sep 16th 2016 at 12:55 pm - 2:10 pm

Two reports this week

 Twelve large large planting boxes, painted in Rotary blue and overflowing with begonias have been sited, along the length of Platform 2 at Stirling Railway Station. They can be viewed from inside and outside the station. Providing and tending these bright colourful displays is the most recent example of the commitment of the Stirling Rotary Club to the City.
Four years ago The Rotary Club of Stirling enthusiastically embraced Scotrail's 'Adopt a Station' plan, which encourages members of the public to improve the appearance of their local railway station.
The first project was to commission and place four rail-wagon like planters under the 'Welcome to Stirling' signs on the central platforms. Then on platform 10 six shrub filled timber boxes were used to delineate the station boundary. These were followed by 50 smaller planters inside the station, under the superb glass superstructure. This inside work was interrupted by last year's programme of reglazing of the station roof. In response the Rotarians decided to concentrate on floral displays on the open areas of the station. The displays at the railway station change with the seasons but during each season the commitment of the Rotarians is constant. Whether you approach the city from north or south you are assured of a bright welcome.

The club would like acknowledge  the help given to this project by Sandy Mackay of Dunblane who built the specially designed blue planters and of Tom Hamilton of TRACKS who built the first planters.

Each week members of Stirling Rotary Club give some of their spare time to look after these displays. If you have some time to spare and would like to help the Rotarians at Stirling railway station please contact the club via the Golden Lion Hotel or through the web site

Friday 16th September 2016

President Alan Rankin welcomed members and one visitor PP Mary Davies,
who in 2007/08, was our first lady president.

President Alan reported to the club on topics raised at last week's
council meeting. There was considerable discussion of Young Enterprise
Scotland, whose aim is to help youngsters from S5/S6 set up a business,
the most successful to be chosen at the final next March. From this two
issues arose, firstly the need for experienced businessmen to act as
advisors to the students, and secondly, we agreed to sponsor one
project. Members were asked if they would be willing to act as advisors.
The meeting fully supported council's decision to become involved in
this activity.

Alan Skilling has proposed another sponsored walk, this time along the
Fife Coastal path in May or June next year. The club celebrates the 90th
anniversary of it's founding this year, and we will mark this event on
14/10/16, when the District Governor will be present.  The President's
evening will be held at the Albert Hall on Thurs 17th November.  The
treasurer reported that our funds are in good order, and we have
approval from the Thistle Centre to hold a charity collection on 28th
December.  Peter Mehta told us that the process of choosing candidates
to be sent as Euroscholars is well underway.  Martin Ross alerted us to
the imminent arrival of more shoe boxes, and it was suggested that in
view of the ongoing refugee crisis, we should fund several emergency
boxes this year. These boxes contain a collection of essential
equipment, and are held ready to send anywhere in the world as the need

For more information,   Next meeting
Speaker’s host Mike Queen, Visitor's host Ranald Ross Watt.

Dr I Richardson

'What We Do' Main Pages:

Rotary Club members active at the station

Derek Anderson

Convenor Derek Anderson


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Rotary + Inner Wheel 2023 Xmas Lunch


Weekly Press Report


Sports Results


Various Visits made by Stirling Rotary


Local projects including Stirling Station


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Reports by Entertainment Committee
